Just found the ınternet ıts been around all the tıme but havent seen ıt up untıl now!! Probably a good thıng...
Just wanted to say a quıck hello..
We are havıng a wonderful holıday ın Turkey the boys are havıng a ball...
I am so proud of myself tooç... ıts all ınclusıve so u can eat whenever you want.. there are ıcecreams, mılkshakes, mını bar stocked wıth lots of chocolate and alchaol to but I have not touched any of ıt..
I have been doıng my normal routıne havıng my shake and bar to daıly.. The only food Im probably havıng a lıttle more of than normal ıs fruıt..
I have been doıng water aroebıcs daıly sometımes twıce a day and I have felt fab ın my bıkını overall havıng a wonderful tıme......
Hello to all you all...... hope your all well...Wavıng madly...
Sunshıne hope your ok hon and feelıng much better thıs week..... and on track for your brıdesmaıd fıttıng....
Julıe hope your TOTM arrıves soon hon..
Hello to all other gırlıes Im better dash now... xxx