Curv-a-licious Countdown

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*waits patiently for Harebell...* x

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Sorry girls :-( feel like such a let down

But today is a new day and I will do this. I can do this. I deserve this. Have read trough all the replies. Thank you so much for all the support. I really was hoping to get into the 14s for the new year and I may not do it but I will try my hardest to get there
I am going to start a diary too. Lily the 3 positives sounds fab. I will defo be doing that. Does it have to be 3 positives about food or 3 positives about me/my life?

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i used to do something similar, it was just 3 positives in general, in your life, on that specific day :) Now I do a "gratitude list". which is simply writing down everything i'm grateful for today :)

You're not a let down at all. even if you put on everything you lost so far(which im betting you havent of course ;) ) you haven't failed. you only fail when you give up. you haven't given up ;)

When youve started your diary, can i have the link? so i can stalk you :sign0151:
ok i have a sts this week, struggling at times at the moment and won't make my target but have decided to just write it in to the next one, be 100% all week to take another chunk off it.

well done every one who is doing well and hugs to those like me who aren't doing so well.(meeeeeeeeeeee)
Hope this is the latest one.
Lost 2lbs this week and I am gobsmacked.
Was hoping for a STS.
Had been good all week but then Tuesday and Wedesnday before weigh in I had chinese and chocolates and lots of them haha.
Am ready for gains for the next 2 weeks as I wanna enjoy Christmas.
The amount of illness and stuff in my family, makes you think you never know when your last one will be so I am going to enjoy it and be back on track from New Year :)

Got to 16 stone 1lb too so if I was being good I coulda been in the 15's next week. Whoop.
I will in january! :)

Addibelle 22lbs (20.5lbs lost - 1.5lbs to go)
Bb65 22lbs (21.5lbs lost - 0.5lbs to go)
Broadsbean 27lb (17lbs lost - 10lbs to go)
Bron 22lbs (22lost~ 0 to go) ******target met******
carriebrad 22lbs (6.5lbs lost ~ 15.5lbs to go)
Eyden Hainsworth 22lbs (7lbs lost - 15lbs to go)
fat&40 28lbs (22lbs lost ~ 6lbs to go)
Harebell Fairy 26.5lbs (12.5lbs lost - 14.5lbs to go)
JackieN 14lbs (2lb lost ~ 12lbs to go)
Jo-85 26lbs (4lbs lost - 24lbs to go)
Lily42uk 22lbs (11lbs lost - 11lbs to go)
LittleFlutterby 22lbs (29 lbs lost - ****target met****)
LoChan1984 28lbs (17.5lbs lost - 10.5lbs to go)
Lollypop1985 14lbs (4lbs lost - 10lbs to go)
LSF666 18lbs (7.5 lbs lost 10.5 lbs to go)
Lucia_Lucia 29.5lbs (27.5lbs lost - 1.5lbs to go)
missjlouise 29lbs (7lbs lost - 22lbs to go)
Sugarplum 22lbs (20lost - 2lb to go)
well done you!
Sorry girls :-( feel like such a let down

But today is a new day and I will do this. I can do this. I deserve this. Have read trough all the replies. Thank you so much for all the support. I really was hoping to get into the 14s for the new year and I may not do it but I will try my hardest to get there
I am going to start a diary too. Lily the 3 positives sounds fab. I will defo be doing that. Does it have to be 3 positives about food or 3 positives about me/my life?

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Will definitely be having a stalk oops look at your diary hun, and as Tanya said the 3 positives (it can be as many as you want but must be a minimum of 3) can be about anything, not just SW or food. ...we can all do this :hug99: xxx

ok i have a sts this week, struggling at times at the moment and won't make my target but have decided to just write it in to the next one, be 100% all week to take another chunk off it.

well done every one who is doing well and hugs to those like me who aren't doing so well.(meeeeeeeeeeee)

You're not doingh well? Where? I think you are doing amazingly well and a sts is fabulous too, it's not a gain, so don't be so hard on yourself hun xxx :hug99: xxx

Hope this is the latest one.
Lost 2lbs this week and I am gobsmacked.
Was hoping for a STS.
Had been good all week but then Tuesday and Wedesnday before weigh in I had chinese and chocolates and lots of them haha.
Am ready for gains for the next 2 weeks as I wanna enjoy Christmas.
The amount of illness and stuff in my family, makes you think you never know when your last one will be so I am going to enjoy it and be back on track from New Year :)

Got to 16 stone 1lb too so if I was being good I coulda been in the 15's next week. Whoop.
I will in january! :)

Addibelle 22lbs (20.5lbs lost - 1.5lbs to go)
Bb65 22lbs (21.5lbs lost - 0.5lbs to go)
Broadsbean 27lb (17lbs lost - 10lbs to go)
Bron 22lbs (22lost~ 0 to go) ******target met******
carriebrad 22lbs (6.5lbs lost ~ 15.5lbs to go)
Eyden Hainsworth 22lbs (7lbs lost - 15lbs to go)
fat&40 28lbs (22lbs lost ~ 6lbs to go)
Harebell Fairy 26.5lbs (12.5lbs lost - 14.5lbs to go)
JackieN 14lbs (2lb lost ~ 12lbs to go)
Jo-85 26lbs (4lbs lost - 24lbs to go)
Lily42uk 22lbs (11lbs lost - 11lbs to go)
LittleFlutterby 22lbs (29 lbs lost - ****target met****)
LoChan1984 28lbs (17.5lbs lost - 10.5lbs to go)
Lollypop1985 14lbs (4lbs lost - 10lbs to go)
LSF666 18lbs (7.5 lbs lost 10.5 lbs to go)
Lucia_Lucia 29.5lbs (27.5lbs lost - 1.5lbs to go)
missjlouise 29lbs (7lbs lost - 22lbs to go)
Sugarplum 22lbs (20lost - 2lb to go)

Well done on your loss :woohoo: :winner: and I hope you enjoy every second of your time off plan and here's to a lot less of us in the new year :hug99: xxxx
Ok so I'm pretty upset....

I was going to go to my C's other group tonight, even though my C isn't there, just to stay for image therapy. I was going there with a friend, so I don't have to sit there, not knowing anyone and feeling extremely anxious- then someone to walk home with.

Now she's telling me she's thinking of going to the one across the road from her (fairly snuff, it is closer to us) but i told her i didnt want to go there....just because the C there...i dunno, she's nice enough, just not someone who I can get anything from, ya know?

What pisses me off more is that my friend didnt even say anything- only replied after *I* texted her. and when she replied I just felt that she didnt really want to go with me :(

So still no image therapy, still struggling and still really frustrated :(

*hides in the corner*
My C isnt even going to be at her group :( she's away until saturday :(

But apparently the C doing her group today is really good....and I really needed to go- but im not going on my own :(

just peeved because i cancelled my night out tonight to go!!!!

im sick of being let down ffs!
*big hug* Tanya x

Nothing I can add but I hope you see your C soon after she's back.

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Hi everyone...

Hope you remember me! Lol

My name is sugarplum and I have been AWOL for a bit!

Soooo poorly still, with stupid cold/chest infection!

I have been off plan ALL this week and having to take more steroids! :-(

Not coming here to moan though... Just to let you know I am alive! ;-)

Those lines that people have been talking about... I think I might be needing ones of them come WI on sat!!

Part of me now just wants Christnas over, so I can get my teeth stuck into the Vixons challenge! Xx
For Cinta...


To be used whenever x

And I'm waiting for the Valentines challenge now too. I aim to maintain until Xmas :)

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Harebell Fairy said:
Roll on the vixens challenge :)

Sugarplum let's get going together!! Have been way off plan for 2 weeks but today is my first day back on plan. We can do this!!!

Sw gods must have been watching me over past few days and known I was back on today..... My sw magazine arrived in the post! May give me the kick I need!

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My SW mag has just dropped through the door also! I had literally just typed that on my diary! Lol

We can and we will do this...

Like Lisa, I will be happy to maintain over Christmas but just wait till that Vixon challenge.. There will be no stopping us!!!
lsf666 said:
For Cinta...


To be used whenever x

And I'm waiting for the Valentines challenge now too. I aim to maintain until Xmas :)

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Awww... Thanks Lisa xx
I'm aiming to lose a few more lbs before xmas and hopefully over Christmas if I can, been too laxed in the lead up to the big day, but I am super excited for the vixens challenge...can't we start it now ? :giggle:
Good to see you Sugar, hope you're feeling a lot better babe :hug99: xxxx
Hi everyone, I was really chuffed to lose a pound this week. Half a pound off my Christmas challenge!!!!

It's a really tough time the lead up to the big day. I have lost weight every single week since the beginning of August and will be coming off plan on 24 th December until 29th and what will be will be gain wise.I have passed over alot of chocs and Christmas goodies every single time I have been offered one and know if I am over strict over Christmas too, I will feel deprived and find it a struggle in the new yr so I have decided I will celebrate my 4 stone loss, have several off plan days over xmas and tackle the new year pleging to lose another 4 stone this year.
pound off for me so gotta lose half a pound next week to meet my target!

Addibelle 22lbs (20.5lbs lost - 1.5lbs to go)
Bb65 22lbs (21.5lbs lost - 0.5lbs to go)
Broadsbean 27lb (17lbs lost - 10lbs to go)
Bron 22lbs (22lost~ 0 to go) ******target met******
carriebrad 22lbs (6.5lbs lost ~ 15.5lbs to go)
Eyden Hainsworth 22lbs (7lbs lost - 15lbs to go)
fat&40 28lbs (22lbs lost ~ 6lbs to go)
Harebell Fairy 26.5lbs (12.5lbs lost - 14.5lbs to go)
JackieN 14lbs (2lb lost ~ 12lbs to go)
Jo-85 26lbs (4lbs lost - 24lbs to go)
Lily42uk 22lbs (11lbs lost - 11lbs to go)
LittleFlutterby 22lbs (29 lbs lost - ****target met****)
LoChan1984 28lbs (17.5lbs lost - 10.5lbs to go)
Lollypop1985 14lbs (4lbs lost - 10lbs to go)
LSF666 18lbs (7.5 lbs lost 10.5 lbs to go)
Lucia_Lucia 29.5lbs (27.5lbs lost - half a pound to go)
missjlouise 29lbs (7lbs lost - 22lbs to go)
Sugarplum 22lbs (20lost - 2lb to go)[/QUOTE]
Whoops updated correctly now!

Addibelle 22lbs (20.5lbs lost - 1.5lbs to go)
Bb65 22lbs (21.5lbs lost - 0.5lbs to go)
Broadsbean 27lb (17lbs lost - 10lbs to go)
Bron 22lbs (22lost~ 0 to go) ******target met******
carriebrad 22lbs (6.5lbs lost ~ 15.5lbs to go)
Eyden Hainsworth 22lbs (7lbs lost - 15lbs to go)
fat&40 28lbs (22lbs lost ~ 6lbs to go)
Harebell Fairy 26.5lbs (12.5lbs lost - 14.5lbs to go)
JackieN 14lbs (2lb lost ~ 12lbs to go)
Jo-85 26lbs (4lbs lost - 24lbs to go)
Lily42uk 22lbs (11lbs lost - 11lbs to go)
LittleFlutterby 22lbs (29 lbs lost - ****target met****)
LoChan1984 28lbs (17.5lbs lost - 10.5lbs to go)
Lollypop1985 14lbs (4lbs lost - 10lbs to go)
LSF666 18lbs (7.5 lbs lost 10.5 lbs to go)
Lucia_Lucia 29.5lbs (28.5lbs lost - half a pound to go)
missjlouise 29lbs (7lbs lost - 22lbs to go)
Sugarplum 22lbs (20lost - 2lb to go)[/QUOTE][/QUOTE]
2lbs off for me :) Also I got my 2.5 stone award :)

Addibelle 22lbs (20.5lbs lost - 1.5lbs to go)
Bb65 22lbs (21.5lbs lost - 0.5lbs to go)
Broadsbean 27lb (17lbs lost - 10lbs to go)
Bron 22lbs (22lost~ 0 to go) ******target met******
carriebrad 22lbs (6.5lbs lost ~ 15.5lbs to go)
Eyden Hainsworth 22lbs (7lbs lost - 15lbs to go)
fat&40 28lbs (22lbs lost ~ 6lbs to go)
Harebell Fairy 26.5lbs (12.5lbs lost - 14.5lbs to go)
JackieN 14lbs (2lb lost ~ 12lbs to go)
Jo-85 26lbs (4lbs lost - 24lbs to go)
Lily42uk 22lbs (11lbs lost - 11lbs to go)
LittleFlutterby 22lbs (29 lbs lost - ****target met****)
LoChan1984 28lbs (17.5lbs lost - 10.5lbs to go)
Lollypop1985 14lbs (4lbs lost - 10lbs to go)
LSF666 18lbs (9.5lbs lost 8.5lbs to go)
Lucia_Lucia 29.5lbs (28.5lbs lost - half a pound to go)
missjlouise 29lbs (7lbs lost - 22lbs to go)
Sugarplum 22lbs (20lost - 2lb to go)

I won't meet my curvy target but I'm still happy. And you wait until the next challenge......

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