Lost 2lbs this week!!!!
Have updated the other two aswell! But guys you do need to remember to update your results rather than just post!!
bb65 22lbs (5.5lb lost - 16.5lbs to go)
Bron 22lbs (3lbs lost ~ 19lb to go)
carriebrad 22lbs (3.5lbs lost ~ 18.5lbs to go)
Eyden Hainsworth 22lbs (0lb lost - 22lb to go)
fat&40 28lbs (0lbs lost ~ 28 to go)
JackieN 14bls (1lb lost ~ 13 to go)
Jo-85 26lbs (0lb lost-26lbs to go)
JustJudith 28lbs (0lbs lost - 28lbs to go)
Lilaloves 22lbs (0lbs lost - 22lbs to go)
Lily42uk 22lbs (0lb lost ~ 22lbs to go)
Little Bubblez 22lbs (0lb lost - 22lb to go)
LoChan1984 28lbs (3.5lb lost - 24.5lbs to go)
LSF666 18lbs (0lbs lost - 18lbs to go)
missjlouise 22lbs (-7lb lost - 29lbs to go)
Sugarplum 22lbs (3lb lost - 19lb to go)
Welshtigger 22lbs (2lbs lost - 20lbs to go)