Step 1 Sole Source CWP journey to Xmas Target 2017

Hi summerchic

In a similar position re house declutterinf and wanting to move in 1-2 yrs, I meant to get a handle on the clutter this holiday but it's rapidly disappearing! (The holiday that is, not the clutter!)

Tonight's meal is going to be tricky. I'm at my mums and she's made stuffed peppers - low carb nightmare! I was hoping for roast chicken or something easy to just eat the protein and geeen veg. We'll see. I'm in this for the long haul and for me that means adapting a bit to fit my lifestyle. I may just end up calorie counting this weekend. As long as I'm still battling on and not stuffing my face with sugar I'll be pleased!

Happy dieting xxx
Omg not been on for a few days, congratulations on the job, didn't doubt you would get it for one minute Well done on the lb loss think I'd be happy with that this week after the week I've had I have to agree don't go mad buying lots of clothes because you won't be in them for long.
SummerChic, you will be the sexiest lady at the party in that dress very nice.
Like I said in my diary has a few days off but I knew I was going to do it so back on it tomorrow for the final 12 days. Then back on it after holiday. I definitely won't be 10stone2 for holiday but I'm ok with it because at the end Of the day you still have to live so I'm not going to beat myself up about it although I'm sure I will have disappointed my consultant Xx
OMG Kab,

You're seriously doing so well. You're going to look fab for your holiday. And your motivation for being good until and when you return from your hols is amazing. And Lucyann is doing amazing. We're due our summer heat wave here too. There's a farmers food market today that I like to visit, first Sunday in every month. Clearly will be giving it a miss!

My decluttering and selling stuff on eBay or schpock. Is seriously in jeopardy! I am going to start in a couple of hours and hope to get 2 rooms done this week.

My good cheats of salads etc have stalled me this week! Or maybe lack of water intake most likely the culprit. My allergies have put me off water due to throat is sore :( ... I have been walking a lot, so Poss muscle gain weight here's hoping anyway. But yesterday, I had some cheese from someone's cheeseboard at lunch, a little not a lot and some chicken satay a couple of skewers, very small, but very cross with myself even if only proteins. I've finally lost, 5 days from last OWI ( official weighin) my elusive 1lb to reach my total 2 stone loss, albeit it's not official until tuesdays weighin.

So hopefully I will lose a little more, but need to get away even from good cheats! Drink my water !!!! Must force it down it's hindering my losses!!!! And get on with de clutter.

I have a fish tank to sell too, cost £200.00 plus with all the add on, could keep at it. Need to clean that and sell too ... urgggghhh !!! I need a PA ;) one who doesn't charge preferably ;) ;)

Have a good Sunday everyone and keep going. I will take a breath and get my second wind. To see the scales actually say 13.7 today was brilliant. Yes I still have another 4 to go, but I'm almost 2/3rd into my first 12 week round and 1/3 into my total loss goal!

Let's do this everyone

Hey Summer Chic,

Busy weekend. Just catching up with everyone's diarys. Baby shower weekend and all went amazingly made 100 biscuits and 100 cupcakes ... didn't eat one! 2 birthday cakes to make this week too. Been so busy went to see family Friday and went to a festival Saturday as well as had a cheeky country run with the pups. See attached photo.

Same on the water in take it's annoying today I've only probably had 1.5 but tomorrow is a new day ...
4 pints of water to be basic so as soon as I get up I'm drinking one to kick start! I've been having just plain mineral water so think it's time to add in some flavourings.

Did eat Friday ( simple egg salad with some pasta sauce and pork Italian style) but only a small bowl this week it is only 3 products until weigh day. Need to fill out paper work for my new job tomorrow.

I tried the chicken tikka tonight and oh my I was surprised !?! ... it was yummy well edible and I enjoyed it far from the pasta one! Next week think I will try the Thai green curry too.
No I forgot to put the tetra in the freezer and realised at lunch time so I'm trying it tomorrow I was going to try this evening but I had the tikka and four packs I couldn't deal with.

Tomorrow I'm going to go for a walk if it kills me gets my mind clear and got a few things to sort out. I just want out of the 13s now! It's my new mission only 3 weeks but I think now it may take four! My consultant said maybe aim just for 12.13 but my goal is and always will be 12.10! That's when I've completed another stone loss and 1 pound to make sure lol so I'm 13 pounds away! Do-able! My auntie thinks my body is deceiving lol as she's never thought I was the weight I was or currently am now even! But when I popped into see my uncle he did ask straight away if I'd been dieting as I looked slimmer lol which was a compliment as last time he told me I had gained a lot of weight.

Wow you sound like you have mountains of clothes wish that was me! Lol charity shop donations are the best I always give a bag of clothes away every 6 months.

Anyway my eyelids are fading and that means I'm bidding a farewell to you guys a goodnight and god bless x
Meet my little x
Anyway night night x


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Awe HE/SHE's?

Adorable Lucyann, I have two myself I take everywhere, I love them to bits. They're more than happy in the garden bless them, but I like to take them out for longer walks early evening, whether permitting. They like baths, but not the rain lol... will come running in if it does.

I'm a bit of a clothes horse lol, I do give loads to charity as well, but I used to give to friends first, then had a pile for charity. However recently a friend suggested I try to sell them. I have shoes and bags too... Hard to give them up, some cost a good few hundred squid. Some not even worn so rather than give to charity will sell them. I've been doing due diligence.. I gave an old iPad away to a friends daughter, one of the first and an old 4s, then someone suggested selling the others ... have a 5s 64gb knocking around apparently I can sell for £120. Who'd have guessed it.

I'm on a declutter mission. Want so much gone. Feel the need to free up space in my head and I can do that by not having so much material stuff around me. I may use the proceeds after daughter has had her stake lol, for a bonus holiday. Only when I've lost the weight.

I will say, looked at photos side by side. Only 2 stones so far, but the difference it makes. I got some shorts from primarny a couple of months ago. I'm wearing cut off jeans, shredded design. I tried them on today and they were loose. A size 16!! ;)

I've dropped from a 20 to a 16 lol... so the plan is working.

The greatest thing is just being able to jump up and get out of a bath without flapping around like a beached whale is what keeps me on track. The lactic acid seems to have calmed down in my legs, it would tsk me an age to get up as my legs were so swollen and stiff. The pain going down the stairs first thing... urgggghh it was bad.

All that swelling has really calmed down. Even sleeping, to change positions. But to be able to have a shower and get in and out of a bath. Pulled out a picture from a few months ago. I see the difference in that smaller clothes fit, will be packing the big stuff away and in boxs, I was still wearing the size 20's with safety pins lol, but they look ridiculous, so they can def all go in the charity pile.

I'd rather send them to anyone on the site of you can figure out private messages...

FYI is there a way to do that, will ask site administrators or if they're reading could you give us the instructions, thanks ...

Hi all, well I'm back on it today but not quite up to drinking lots of water yet as I've had a poorly tummy today Been to work and as always it's never as bad as you think
You are doing fantastic LucyAnn bet you were so pleased when you're uncle noticed your weight loss
SummerChic you're doing brilliant as always with being on plan I could definitely do with your decluttering skills. I have loads of my sons clothes that I need to put on eBay but I've not got round to it yet ! Many of them have been worn once or twice so I'm a bit loathe to give to a charity shop but it's such a pain. I have mountains of my sons books and toys as well to sort out .
Hey Kab,

I'm doing it slowly but surely, but being a Virgo, I think all that is a little in built I've been told. Blah blah.. but it is a chore. And like your little ones, Soph has worn things once maybe twice and a lot of things not at all. And your right have the endless books, etc to do too.. we will do it. We must do it. :character00116: ;) x

Anyway, just to also say, I've had good cheats this week, and having lost that elusive pound. I have weighed today and regained it. Very cross with self dunno more even good cheats if it can be helped. My dodgy thyroid is not my friend ... and TOM today ... urghhh

I've stayed on plan and am happy but this week I've been stressed about that pound to get to my 2 stone loss. Lost it then gained it. Gotta destress... stress is te enemy ;) lol

Right spk later ya'll

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Hey Summer

How are you getting on? Did you nail your 2 stone? Had my fingers crossed for you.

Hi everyone, I'm sorry for not keeping up to date, I have a teething baby at the moment and my life is just ridiculous.

However, I have some good news :) had my 3rd weigh in yesterday and lost 4.5lbs which takes me to 16.5lbs in total! I got my 1 stone rosette and am so chuffed!
Hi All, hey Alice well done!! That's amazing, keep the good work up. That's a brilliant loss in 3 weeks :)

I was just posting on Mini-Kate's diary, my weigh in yesterday, I stayed the same, but seems my TOTM is giving me water retention. So no losses, urgggh but will let that pass as hopefully next week will be a good one for losses.

Still stuck at 1stone 13lbs losses at week 8 people, so let's hope week 9 will be better. I feel
Much better. Curves are appearing in the right places, shape is going in for my wait's. I am actually starting to get an indent which resembles a waist. You can see a difference. So seriously happy.

Keep going everyone. I am in this for the long hall, and it's good to see the daily challenges we all face because at the end of the day. I will control what my body gets no longer the other way around.

Hugs to all.


Ps ( Priya if you by any chance happen to still read the diaries come and say hi, and hopefully come back and join us no matter what plan you've settled on after CWP.)

Hi guys,

Had a very tiring few days, but am over my lack of losses, it was bound to happen. But at least I didn't go up. That's a superb blessing, I've not been drinking as much water as I need to.

anyway, let's get on with it people, this is week 9. Gawdunbennet!! Let's have a good week everyone. Stay on track and let's lose those pounds xxx
Hi All,

So I did another cheeky mid week weigh in, after zero loss last weighin, I seem to be back on track, have dropped to 13.6lbs so have unofficially again reached my 2 st plus a 1lb, hopefully next weighin it stays that way, but won't dwell on it, I won't get excited about it and have good cheats which with me clearly I get thrown off track.

I still have a long way to go and really need to do this. I have to achieve this and hopefully being this determined will help me achieve more generally as last few years have been tough.

So, I'm back on track and accepting the plan just getting on with it. I've been ensuring I drink at least 3 lts a day and hopefully that has helped too.

Helps TOTM is done lol

Hey All

So forgot to mention I was back at the doctors because of my dodgy arm, it's still not fully better, tennis elbow, doc sees it improving. He's also impressed with my weight loss. And really pleased Bravia of it, my blood pressure has normalised and I'm no longer a walking heart attack.

I had tests prior and urgggh just a walking disaster, def feel peri menopausal, mum was late 30's when she hit the same at least I've managed a few years past her. It hadn't occurred to me It may have been the weight gain that had messed my cycle up. I've had about 3 TOTM's since last November ... hummm anyway back with a vengeance this month...

Anyway, tried on a size 14 jumpsuit from HM, it was ok, I could do with losing a few more pounds to be a little more loose, but it fit and zipped up and I was over the moon. I weighed my self and I have dropped to 13.5lbs to get into the 12's is my goal for the next 2 weeks. Week 9 weigh in is on Tuesday please let these unofficial losses stay this time.. as by official weigh in last week it jumped back up and I stayed the same. I'm going to be good and not even have any good girl cheats. Oooohh I'm super pleased.

So I've hit 30lbs loss. Another 12lbs to get that first 3stones. My shelf on my chest has almost disappeared. I tried on a 36D... I almost cried it fit. I've dropped from a 40 (with extenders) DD. I can't begin to tell you how much that alone means. I'm finally able to breathe...

Ok tears in my eyes. Gotta sign off for now...


Hi Chris,

Try some sugar free wrigleys gum mint. Chew a few it acts like a laxative you'll def be a few kg lighter after a few hours.. chew about 2 packets even 3 that's 15 gums .. change when flavour has gone - get packs of 5 for a £1.00 from
Wilko's anywhere they're new. And work well ;)

Benefiber bulks ... the gum will I promise will do the trick.. stay home that day.. the tum will let you know xxx

I heard about sugar free stuff, does it really work?
Hi Sally,

Start again, as I wasn't happy with my last post. To say that it works wonders, stay close to the house though. It's my go to for sure

:) ;)

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Hey Lovely Nai,

I'm still slogging on, I've another 4 stones to reach my goal target, will then start the ol' weightlifting to strengthen.

What's you're final target then?

Ahoy to your pictures when they're ready

Hi SummerChic, fantastic news, surely you can't have 4 stone to lose if you can already fit in a 14? Your goal to be a size 10? Think we must be a similar size as I've had to have a new bra 34E not been a 34 for many years !! I also have had a dress from warehouse a month ago that I absolutely love it was a bargain size 14 that was a bit tight on the bust but fits lovely now, I'll take a photo and post it. I still have at least 1 1/2 stone to lose Want it gone by Christmas . You keep me going SummerChic xx