I am definitely one of those people nic is talking about!!!! I have been posting comments about eating on LT. Maybe not too tactfull. I should really mention in the subject heading i'm talking about cheating so those who dont wanna read it dont have to - so i'm sorry if i've put anyone off. I did not do that intentionally. However, yes i'm on a TOTAL FOOD REPLACEMENT plan and yes...i've been eating. But its my OWN INDIVIDUAL PLAN.(Please do not continue to read if you dont wanna hear about cheating...) I have stayed on LT for 6 weeks with not 1 cheat. I just had LT, water, black tea and that..was...it. I lost a stone and half and I saw posts on here about cheating and didnt bother me, it kept me going reading posts about food, LOVE talking about food. However I first decided to eat on my nan's 90th birthday party at a buffet. I still lost weight and still went straight back on LT. week later it was my fiances birthday so had casarole, still lost weight and stayed on LT and then the eating once/twice per week continued, and so did the weight loss, and its the only thing keeping me on it now, but thats ONLY because I only have 7lbs left to lose and I feel in control completely when i'm eating. If I had much more to lose I wouldnt bother eating because it makes me hungry when i'm back on LT in the week making it 100 times harder but thats my own plan, and i'm still doing the diet, I still need the support, and i still want to chat about it and post threads about how excited I am about losing the weight etc. I agree that if reading cheating posts makes you weak then just dont read them - so I will from now on mark on the subject that its a post about eating for those who dont want to read it, and for those who are in the same situation as me or enjoy talking about food - they can read it. SO I think its the only way to solve this whole predicament!!! We'll just state in the subject if its aimed at naughty people or the angelic people

Sorry if I caused any hard feelings are pissed people right off - didnt mean to!!!! xxx