Daily chat and general fun food time

Pippa, my dinner was okay.. Wasn't the nicest but I don't have much in atm so I'm not complaining! I got two chicken fillets out of the freezer today so I'm hoping to make something nice for dinner tonight! :) I was thinking a chicken curry maybe? Going to see if our local shop has any fat free natural yoghurt to see if I can make a nice creamy sauce!
Oh my OH loves cauliflower in a curry, it's the only way I can get him to eat it! A curry isn't a curry to me without veggies. I love lotsa onions, peppers, courgettes... I have an aubergine in atm, wonder if it will go nice in the curry?? Just went for a gander down to our local store.. Got my veggies, fruit, milk, bread, 30 eggs, tuna and spagetti all for under €20.. Plus I got some milkybars, small kit kats and small galaxy bars.. I'm probably gonna feel like some chocolate later so I usually only buy snack size bars so I can get my fix without going over my syns!

Breakfast : Baked beans on toast (Hex B)

Snack : Tea with hex A milk and 5 syns Marie biscuits, diet 7 up and banana

Lunch : Omelette with tomato and sweetcorn, 2 mini kit kats (10 syns)

dinner : Chicken curry with HM SW chips and veggies

Snack : Grapes and banana
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Having such bad trouble with my internet lately *sigh*.. Hate relaying on other people.. Going for a massive stroll around the shops today to cheer me up. I'm on the lookout for lilac bridesmaid dresses and might get some goodies in M&S food!

Breakfast : Dorset museli, milk, banana and strawberries

Snack : Tea and 6 syns Marie biscuits.

Lunch : Subway chicken salad with sweet onion sauce (2 syns), 5 raspberry puffs (10 syns) and diet coke.

Dinner : Banana and grapes.. I'm not really in the form for any cooking tbh and I've had my syns for today..

Syns so far : 18 syns.. whoops!
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Hope you're ok x
Is OH back?
I would say come round but I'm currently still in bed expressing LOL
Ah thanks ladies! I'm good.. retail therapy definitely helps!!

Had a subway salad and diet coke and one M&S raspberry puff. my word they are nice and only 2 syns each.. good job i got 2 boxes!! :D Bought some bags of guilt free popcorn as well to have in the house!! 7 syns a bag and the bags aren't small!!

No big purchases made but I did spend a small fortune in boots!!
Ah man Pippa, that cake looks ace!! :D

Well having a good morning, got my lazy bum out of bed and went to the gym for half hour.. 15 mins cardio/15 minutes weights.. what my trainer recommended!

Breakfast : Dorset museli, banana, strawberries and milk (counting one syn as I didn't measure my cereal right)

Lunch : Banana, grapes, baked potato with mushrooms, tomatoes, sweetcorn and baked beans. Water.

Small snack of a 3 syn milkybar!

Dinner : Aubergine, chickpea and carrot bolgnaise and penne pasta

Snack : Kit kat and popcorn (12 syns)
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Yeah Pippa, my classes are over so hoping I can stick to 3 workouts a week. I feel a lot happier when I work out as well!

Littlemiss, its defo about what me and my gorgeous OH want. My mum is getting us wedding cars. I wasn't going to bother but it's so nice of her to offer. We wouldn't have afforded it otherwise! Already got mates rates on a lot of things so we are trying to decide what to do about the cake. Apparantly the M&S ones are really lush, and at a good price as well ;)