Lovely chat ladies! You managed to raise a smile from me at this unearthly hour, which is no mean feat!
Vicky - for my sister, she was a size 8 when she got married (back before they twiddled with the sizes) and only really got larger as I got smaller (shrinks would have a field day, I'm sure!). Yes she switched to the vodka this weekend, I hear, chose tandoori at the Indian takeaway and got away with both... easier at the outset though.
If I started dabbling with low carb, despite years of resistance (Atkins I never tried, for instance, despite trying many many - all? - others!), it was because "my way" wasn't getting me light enough any more. I got to 70K, then 67K, back when I smoked heavily, but after getting to 80K after my quit, couldn't get lower than about this weight now that I think of it. Here where I'm stuck again now... this is probably around my "stabilisable" weight, no doubt, but I'll never accept it this high!
Do any of you have an Excel file for recording just dates and weight loss in stones and lbs, by any chance?
Oooh and while we on the subject of myths - my weight is sticking here cos I'm building muscle with my walking... (anyone really believe that? I dunno!)
Very relieved ladies to have got through an evening on my own without turning to my usual past time. However, two red meat meals (bad planning on my part), and lots of veg and salad too have given me a +200g but hey it could have been worse. Tomorrow's weigh in is looking bad but I must look on the positive side cos I've not binged.
And how are all of you today?