ooh wish i was wearing fluffy slippers
btw can you have celeriac? celeriac chips are divine.
Thanks Anja. I love squash and I picked 39 assorted squashes and pumpkins from the garden at the weekend, so just as well they're allowed! To be honest I just like looking at the pile because they look so colourful and gorgeous.
Yes AGREE. Our growing efforts were sabotaged by the late frost in May so we had 1 Squash and no pumpkins this year but we're getting a mixed pile of squash with our Veg delivery this week. Can't wait!
fry lite - like the sw chips(yes i loved them too but as you i thought oh 2 potatoes is nothing (maybe 3). ) pasta and sauce (whole packet for lunch with sweetcorn) quorn bolognese with half a packet of pasta and a couple of slices of garlic bread!
Lol Mouse. see carbs are bad!!! sometimes my plate full of pasta was soo heavy i could hardly lift it
Jo - yes hot is much much better![]()
Love it! Wonder if you get sprung by a hunky young man. Lol
I have got dressed now -no more PJ working for me - expecting a parcel and don't want to give the postie/the rest of the village too many cheap thrills - not good for their hearts![]()
blimey we have a yellow round thing in the sky !!! still it did rain all night .................
I doubt it will last long either still i think the kids need a walk today so they will be marched to tesco in a bit
I just ate my first portion of frozen "cheeseburger pie" - Dukan style. I did defrost it(!) but did eat it cold. Is that how you usually eat it Vicky? I think it might be nicer hot... (ie it wasn't as nice as I'd thought it would be from my taster spoonful Sunday when hot!)...
Guess what's on my head (who said horns?). Yep... the darned headphones. Someone's dumped an hour of their transcripts on me and as my desk is hopelessly empty, what to say...
ah well - the sun is out at least...
errrrrr. so can i![]()
You haven't perfected the art of looking busy Jo?...allow me to explain...always have a stack of work out on your desk... even if it's complete and just waiting to be sent back to whoever.... messy desk equals busy worker to those who walk in...so even if you end up lumbered with extra work....still can make the f*ckers feel guilty
- we need to devise a recipe between us for stuffing for our xmas dinner; I am thinking along the lines of brans and onion and herbs .......not sure what else.
I made some croissants from scratch once and it put me off a bit seeing how much beurre was in them - I'd rather have a bar of chocolateYou sound like you've worked in the civil service! haaaaa! Here it's quick in and out... and ready for more, haaaa! (Leastwise in these "hard times" best to be...)!
If we're talking setting records, I reckon I could beat most when it comes to consuming croissants, pains aux chocolats and pains aux raisins in the office without anyone noticing a thing! I managed 12 six weeks ago. <crikey just imagine the calories!>
Beat that?
You could put some lean fillet of bacon in it for taste... <and I am such a fibber cos it'll be chestnut stuffing all the way for me... with bread sauce over the top... and oh darn and blast it, we're having beef!! pffffffffft!>