Daily chat...

awwwwwwwwww cheryl ur story is so sad too but its nice that u can still she her ............ xxx
Well chilli has been allowed upstairs at night now (thanks Mark!) and neither of them have cried at all. Peppa is as happy as can be and my chilli is enjoying all the extra attention. Im begining to think it was a great idea now as id never have coped with them both and a baby
awh Cheryl... that was lovely of you to have taken them in and it sounds as if both dogs will now get the maximum attention they obviously wanted... a very happy ending indeed...

but aren't people cruel - how can people just leave animals to fend for themselves like that...
you will just have the children fighting :D
That sort of thing breaks my heart...

At the moment on the metro there's a horrible poster from the Brigitte Bardot foundation about starving animals... and, even though I know it's there for all the right reasons, it upsets me seeing it there...

Living in a country where some abandon their pets when they go on holiday appals me.

I won't provide the link, and I know it's all about educating the ill informed French public, but the poster upsets me.
Ahh poor little things. I could never harm an animal, the ones i eat i dont kill! Lol. Sorry trying to make you smile again.
Jo - thats so sad. It really enrages me. My friend works for a vet which is one where people on benefits get free / minimal charge care. This one dog had been licked in the head by its owner BUT the vets are not allowed to tell the police in case they wouldnt bring it back in and just leave it to suffer. raaaaaaaaa

Cheryl dogs I can do. Kids I cant.
I think the people should be put down. Vic do you remember that lady on here?....................
Im off to do some housework now, see you all in a bit and if not have a good night speak tomorrow
oh yeah Cheryl she was bad!!

ok babes. ill be on later after exercise !
someone on here who hurt animals? grrrrr!!

I hear you Cheryl... enjoy your housework!!

At the moment we're feeding a lot of stray cats and kittens who wander into our courtyard... I can't bear to see them hungry... my first was a stray and her Mum used to visit us for food when we first bought the house. She presented us with her two kittens the second weekend we met her. By the time we "adopted" my first, it was winter, minus 14°C at night there - very cold - and I couldn't bear to put her out when we left. They'd spend most of the weekend by our fire...

We found a friend in the city to take on one kitten and Mum (who was pregnant, but we didn't know then...) and we took the other kitten. Friend was travelling a lot with her job, so we fed them in her flat each day, and found Mum was getting bigger... figuring she was happy having a home and regular food, we didn't wonder too much... until it eventually dawned on us that she was pregnant!

So my friend ended up with 8 in all... we found homes for five of the six kittens, and we took one... and now Mum and my friend's kitten are now living in Philadelphia, US of A! They've all come a long way from the streets of Burgundy...

But I can't let myself get attached to this year's strays... aaaah!!
awww jo what a star you are. I know but what can you do?
I know... and when I told a couple of neighbours in the village that I'd had my two spayed (not that they ever go out), the response was: "were they ill?".

That's the sort of "ignorance" (in the nicest possible way) I'm dealing with...
Hope you've all got pet insurance though!
i have of course :D although ive invalidated it for hannah :( any needs ill have to pay out!
Why invalidate it? (intentionally?)

Off soon... so mightn't see your response until tomorrow!