ohhh i do feel for little hannah ,even though my friend is a breeder she had to intervine this time round ,its not my bag but i adore cats,ive got a cat who doesnt live at home now who is nearly 15 he is my baby but this is a long story are we ready
jet's starts to ramble again
when dan was poorly last year he pestered and pestered for a kitten in the end i relented so we ended up getting a exotic bengal cross he called her natalie anyway she got used to dan being in and out of hospital and being on her own which i ididnt feel was fare so when dan passed we was at home more and she used to tare around the house like a loon and inbetween all this we was doing the house up unfortuatly she got herself into a pickle ( curisoty) and she got herself stuck under the bathroom floor because jordan had left the door ajar so i got her to the vets and she had dislocated her hip ,so they attempted to put it back in and bandaged her up ,she was to stay in a cage for 6 weeks ,well a day later when she had come around form her anesthectic properly she went doolaly trying to get out the cage ,omg i thought she has just undone all the good work and she had her hip popped back out so here came the worst decsion i have had to make after losing dan his beloved kitten nat faced a similar fate because i hadnt got round yo sorting out pet insurance for her with eveything that had gone on and the expense of the surgery was just out really bad over a one thousand pound ,so in the end i had to have her put to sleep so i did and had her cremated and she is in the same caskest has dan her beloved dad....
so has the saying goes curisoty killed the cat crazy saying but true !!!!!