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holiday pic's

some more ...........


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Lol Scrumper bad weather makes me grumpy too. I hope it stays nice for you.
Oh jet love your pics babe. look at you posing ;)
And Jet still got a fantastic pair of legs there babe x
i know my OH seems to just be a natural when the camera comes out so i had to make a bit of a effort lol ...

i do love my legs lol mmmmmmmmmm
oh nice one ............

off to see my mum she as been missed so maybe a few tears being home back to dan has been hard even though he his always with me but home he is closer ,im rambling again !!

catch you all later bye xx
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oh hon x hope you ok.
speak later xxx
Not only do I think you look very slim and trim indeed Jet, but you look RELAXED which is lovely to see. Of course Dan is always with you, but it's good to see you out and about. Good on you girl! (And incredible legs too!).

Scrumper - have you checked the advance forecast for wherever it is you're off to this weekend cos, over here at least, things improve BIG TIME by Thursday and we'll probably be moaning about the heat again this weekend (maybe not, cos I've got goosepimples at the moment, so a bit of heat would be LOVELY!!)...
yep ive checked metcheck bbc accu weather all different !!! how annoying is that ...will be fine wont be two foot of mud there wont there wont there wont !!
I love it when the meteorologists hedge their bets like that (NOT!). In general, I find that the BBC weather online is pretty inaccurate - leastwise where France is concerned!

I go with the best... and believe it fervently... cos, once you're there, chances are you'll enjoy it anyway... (wellies??)
no its going to be sunny :D just for you ;)
hey all im bak but on and off ,need to get washing sorted and ive put the heating on and the sun has come out !!!!!!!!!
would u belive im cold so i thought heating on washing to dry lets kill 2 birds with one stone !!!!!!!!!!!
Not only do I think you look very slim and trim indeed Jet, but you look RELAXED which is lovely to see. Of course Dan is always with you, but it's good to see you out and about. Good on you girl! (And incredible legs too!).

Scrumper - have you checked the advance forecast for wherever it is you're off to this weekend cos, over here at least, things improve BIG TIME by Thursday and we'll probably be moaning about the heat again this weekend (maybe not, cos I've got goosepimples at the moment, so a bit of heat would be LOVELY!!)...

hey jo was just reading ur message again about u saying i look slim and trim ,so off i went upstairs to look in the mirror mmmmmmm .

i really appreicate ur thoughts ... thank you so so much !!!
It's hard for us to see ourselves as others do... we tend to drop our eyes to wherever WE think we need to lose some weight, whereas other people have a totally different impression of us as they look at the whole package, and not just an area...
I agree Jo. I look in the mirror and think omg at 8 stone id still be fat!
Do you all have a full length mirror?

Something I was told to buy at a certain stage and it was indeed very strange seeing all of me in one go! Previously I'd only ever seen bits of me!!