Daily chat...

i think most of the grooms family fell out with each other which was on the cards , the bonet races were a laugh bit dangerous by headlights but its what they do
sadly no bonet pics as my camera wont do in the dark when they have an afternoon session i will take pics and of the bruises after
I didnt take that many of the wedding either
ah. do you do the bonnet racing?
lol no this is Devon and the Men are men the woman tied to the kitchen sink !!!!! it is cave man county for sure ....Im sure if I pushed the point id get ago ....but then the bruises they come back with are terrible still no sense no feeling with them suppose :p
Sounds like an interesting wedding indeed!

Your rain has now moved over here and it's been raining since yesterday morning! Very annoying actually cos, in the country, I've a TONNE of green beans which need picking (and we'd planned to get a load yesterday and bring them to the office today... but not in that deluge!)

So chilly was it at the house that we lit a fire... and chilled in front of the box watching Soaps! (errr Robin, yes, I'm afraid I'm a UK TV fan... 21 years of French TV and BBC Prime only in the city cos dishes aren't allowed means that now, with the country place and PROPER UK TV, I'm in raptures catching up on everything!!)
good morning ladies !!

finally back at home at 4 this morning was delayed at the airport !!

anyway holiday was good/ok food in hotel was omg bad i think trying to eat healthy was a no no so im not a happy bunny im back to more or less where i started so back on track and worse thing i tried my hardest to stick to diet but was really much to hard work ...........

and got a nice tan andddddddddd aslo add my oatbran and plenty of walks mmmmmmmm !!

hope we are all ok and congrats to vick's on the pup's !!!
hellooooooo!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! oh it was your hols - we have all been (well a lot of us) carb naughty. Get back on the diet wagon.
Was it a nice place - what was wrong with the food?
the food was undiaboilical unhealthy crap and that is putting it nicely ,im back on wagon now !!!
oh no :( bread and chips then? Ive been off the rails completely back on today too :D
i didnt eat a lot of bread or chips but anyaway back on track and im really happy to be home !!!
hi jaqy's and thanks it was good ,i will try and get pic's on later at the mo i need a shower so will catch you all later !!!!!
hellooooo Jet... you'll never believe this but just this morning I thought "must ask Vicky when Jet's back", and then of course I completely forgot...
thanks jo !!

u would never belive how much i missed u lot and u where at the back of my mind for two weeks .... good eh lol !!

vicks why the change of name ??

cos the other was my kennel name and was coming up on here on google search ;)
soooo tell us about the hols...
ahhhhhhhhhhh right ...........

so come on vicks tell me about the bundles of fun ie pups .how are they/u doing .........
ah Jo wants to hear bout your hols and you want to hear bout my puppies ;)
they are all ok. 4 boys and 3 girls, and instead of weighing myself every five mins the pups are now getting weighed twice a day lol.
waiting for them to open their eyes...should be any day soon (fingers crossed)

so how was your holiday? and what were you eating. ?