Daily menus


B: Gallette with lemon and splenda
L: Chicken - a breast and a thigh!

Then I fell asleep at my desk (damn those pesky neighbours!) and was sent home from work...

Snack: Tuna

2 Hour nap, woke up hungry...

Dinner: Crisis - I thought I had defrosted a pack of steak and kidney - but no, must have been more tired than I thought!

No yogurt left, no cottage cheese - just eggs, so it was an omelette (again) and a big mug of tea.

I'm very impressed at your falling asleep at your desk ;)
LOL! I like my boss - I had a few health issues* last year which included falling asleep almost mid-sentence during a team meeting.

All he did was push my chair gently towards the corner so I wouldn't loll over and stick a jacket under my head. A cup of tea (with a lot of ribbing) was waiting when I came too...
I'm sorry about the health issues, but am very amused at this nonetheless. I have been known to take a "power nap" at lunch - when overweight, never now funnily enough - but the dribbling usually woke me up! Or the darned phone!
B: half cinnamon galette
L: large bowl leftover bolognaise (1/3 500g pack)
S: rest of galette
D: half a roast chicken, 1/4 roast butternut squash & small bowl of roast butternut squash soup
S: small bowl sweetened greek yogurt
Friday (not my favourite food day - I miss my muffins at breakfast and am always hungry before lunch!)

4.5km walk to work then

B: some turkey + konjac, and slice roast beef (from butcher)

L: piece Dukan friendly cheeseburger pie, chicken leg
fat free fruit flavoured yoghurt

S: sugar free jelly
(in car) 3 crabsticks while holding OH's banana (no tittering in the galery please;))

D (in car) 3 smoked fish muffins
on arrival: coffee flavoured baked egg custard

Breakfast: 2 egg omelette
Lunch: Cottage cheese, sliced cold chicken and ham
Dinner: steak and kidney stew, galette.

Snack: Oh dear. There was an unplanned 9 hour gap between lunch and dinner, and nothing to fill it....

At 7pm I broke down, and ate a handful of roast mixed nuts...

The scales haven't moved for 8 days now, which is par for the course at this time of the month, but is still always pretty nervewracking.

b;2 eggs (microwave)
l: 400g mince turkey breast with herbs
s; sf jelly, muffins
d; 1/2 chicken
s: sf jelly

1h gym (50min cardio)

Is there a limit on ff jelly? 2 not too much? can i have it everyday?
Just discovered it recently and love it!
B galette and egg
L chicken and salad
D beefburgers and steak at a bbq

Breakfast: 2 egg omelette
Lunch: Cottage cheese, sliced cold chicken and ham
Dinner: steak and kidney stew, galette.

Snack: Oh dear. There was an unplanned 9 hour gap between lunch and dinner, and nothing to fill it....

At 7pm I broke down, and ate a handful of roast mixed nuts...

The scales haven't moved for 8 days now, which is par for the course at this time of the month, but is still always pretty nervewracking.

Where did you find those nuts?!!

I'm really sorry... are you still in ketosis? doubtful :-(
Sugar free jelly - I think the website said "two a day" (which is as clear as mud, so I presumed they meant the "made up" pots rather than two of the sachets... not something I'd OD on, but love nonetheless!
daily menus from 1st week after attack so far :)

oatbran porridge (skimmed milk & sweetener)
grilled turkey fillets & 2 hard boiled egg whites.
vanilla mullerlight.
steak and 2 poached eggs.
ff fromage frais with vanilla essence and sweetener.

thurs -
oatbran porridge
baked salmon with onion and peppers x 2
mullerlight vanilla
seasoned chicken breast x 2 with asparagus and omlette (3 eggs - 3 whites 1 yolk)
ff yoghurt ( sweetener)

fri - 3 slices lean ham
chicken breasts X 1 and boiled egg.
seafood sticks x 2.
ff fromage frais
baked cod.
sweetened gallete and mullerlight.

how am I doing?:confused:
No errors I can see there (provided you raised your oatbran to 2 tablespoons, and you're not having more than 250ml milk with it). At your current weight, you could (should?) be eating plenty of protein. Perhaps up the protein a little? The "ham" needs to be restricted, as strictly speaking the French version of the diet doesn't allow it. Ham is salty and often sweetened with nasties, so keep for an emergency.

Looking good! Add in a multivitamin pill and lots of water.
Thanks maintainer :hug99:

I have been taking multivitamin since I started and usually drinking 2L water per day. was worried bout muller lights because they are my lifesaver as a pudding especially whilst craving chocolate because of totm. The ham is lean 19 cals per slice and only have 3...but yes will watch that intake thanks :) Also yes upped my oatbran but wasnt measuring milk so will check that!

Didnt know you could have sugar free jelly either! so thats good pudding choice! dont usually have a sweet tooth until I started dukan...now crisps and things dont bother me but do crave a good dessert!

Forgot to say aswell i seasoned and grilled some chopped up turkey and snack on that throughout the day when feeling peckish which isnt often now surprisingly.

Do you stay in ketosis after attack? How can you tell if you are in it?
Sorry really want to get this right!
At the outset, Mullers shouldn't cause you any angst, leastwise not just one a day. If, in the future, you find your weight loss slowing or stalling, then you can look at your dairy. But at your current weight, one a day is fine.

With the ham, check the fat content, and label for sugar etc rather than calories which we don't count here.

You know you're in ketosis if (a) you've bad breath; (b) you're not hungry; (c) you're feeling euphoric (possibly sleeping less badly?), and sometimes all of the above! You also say you're not very hungry now, which is a GREAT sign!

Some diets recommend weeing on a stick, but you really don't need to, and Dukan doesn't mention them even.

If you check out our menu thread here, there are loads of ideas which might give you tips. Also our recipe threads.

If you dont yet have a diary, perhaps open yourself a post in the Diary section and tell us all about yourself ;) We won't tell a soul!
I'm a lot like you, Lots2lose, in that I really do need my puds. I enjoy the chocolate crèmes from the Dukan book and make several little pots at a time for freezing. However, I understand that not everyone finds the recipe to be a success.

It's also nice and satisfying to end your meal on a sweet note. Helps you to feel that you're not missing out too much on anything.
B: half cinnamon galette
L: 1 fillet smoked mackerel, 200g luc lac turkey, 1/4 tofu yogurt cake
S: rest of galette
D: chicken frittata
S: small bowl sweetened greek yogurt
B galette and egg
L chicken thighs and drumsticks salad
d celeric mash steak and veg (green veg not sure what though )
What did you make of the celeriac Tan?


B - 3 egg sweet omlette
l - tuna 'mayo' with lettuce and a chicken breast
d - 2 sea bass fillets with swede
s - goji muffins
B: cinnamon galette
L: butternut squash soup with chicken pieces in it
S: 1/4 yogurt cake
D: large bowl bolognaise (1/3 500g pack mince) with garlic quark dip
S: sweet omelette
B: Frozen yogurt with rhubarb
L: Cold beef and salad, veg soup
D: Steak, mushrooms, steamed broccoli and a herby galette

Also walked for about three hours.