1st day of Cruise
B galette with dry fried mushrooms
S crabsticks
L cottage cheese and salad
S crabsticks
D quorn bolognese with mixed veggies
stewed rhubarb and yoghurt
Excellent varied menu... but a word of caution with the cottage cheese. While it's (apparently) ok in the UK (look for the lowest lowest fat), try to have some protein other than it too at a meal so that you don't eat too much of it. A spoonful is great, but don't eat the pot in one go!
You made quorn bolognaise... I'd be interested in your recipe as I hear quorn is quite bland. Are you a veggie? If so, there are other things you can eat
Where do you get your "virtually fat free" cottage cheese? Could you give me a link please cos I hunted high and low when home, wanting same, and finding it not! I need to see its face, and know where it's sold, and I will track the darned stuff down!
I presume that it's the Longley Farm one, Jo. See here for details: Longley Farm
oooh thanks ladies. I didn't go to Asda last trip. Typical!