Daily menus

when my son passed away i went straight back to work ,it really was the wrong thing to do so im at home on anti's and sleeping tablets and trying to get my head round losing him also seeing a physici doc !! i felt guilty for not being able to help him !!

jet xx
Oh Jet, I'm so sorry to hear that. Do you live in a city, or in the countryside? I understand how going out mightn't appeal right now, but if you've a park nearby where you could have a little walk, and get those endormophins abuzzing, you might even get a little benefit...

But each thing in its own time... I hope you have some good friends around you... and we're here too!

"Guilt" isn't an easy one to deal with and I think most people who do lose someone illogically do feel that sentiment for something or other. I know when my grandma passed on, I felt it for not having written more regularly etc etc...

With my the death of my Mum, I was very low - I couldn't see how life could ever be "right" again... I had no memories of before her illness, and could only picture her ill in my mind. I couldn't even share with family, as are family aren't "like that" and it was each person in his own corner keeping a stiff upper lip.

But, in time, everything does seem to work its way round... I still miss her tremendously as we were very close, and it's 13 years since she passed on, but the time I spent with her during her illness I now treasure... and I could see images of her "before" within six months to a year of her passing.

I now have lovely memories, and treasure those special moments I spent with her, nursing her, and regret nothing...

I hope you find some inner peace too... but these moments we have to live through unfortunately; each person in his own time.
Friday - it's PP - and I shall be "dining" in the car on the way to the country(!!)

Breakfast - a few chicken livers, a softly boiled egg and a chicken thigh

Lunch - piece of roast beef (bought cooked from the butcher); 1/2 tin of tuna mixed with fromage blanc and herbs; more chicken if required!

Snack - fat free fruit flavoured chicken

Dinner - muffins with smoked fish in

on arrival - Dukan friendly, coffee flavoured baked egg custard
Oh Jet, I'm so sorry to hear that. Do you live in a city, or in the countryside? I understand how going out mightn't appeal right now, but if you've a park nearby where you could have a little walk, and get those endormophins abuzzing, you might even get a little benefit...

But each thing in its own time... I hope you have some good friends around you... and we're here too!

"Guilt" isn't an easy one to deal with and I think most people who do lose someone illogically do feel that sentiment for something or other. I know when my grandma passed on, I felt it for not having written more regularly etc etc...

With my the death of my Mum, I was very low - I couldn't see how life could ever be "right" again... I had no memories of before her illness, and could only picture her ill in my mind. I couldn't even share with family, as are family aren't "like that" and it was each person in his own corner keeping a stiff upper lip.

But, in time, everything does seem to work its way round... I still miss her tremendously as we were very close, and it's 13 years since she passed on, but the time I spent with her during her illness I now treasure... and I could see images of her "before" within six months to a year of her passing.

I now have lovely memories, and treasure those special moments I spent with her, nursing her, and regret nothing...

I hope you find some inner peace too... but these moments we have to live through unfortunately; each person in his own time.
thanks a lot for wot u said i live in a town ,its not the going out its going on my own i cant stomach it ,but i did wii free step yesterday so i think at least im trying to move ,like you im still struggling with rembering dan before his illness and 19 years have just been erased,but i know he will come back to me ,ive loads of pictures round the house of him with his lovley smiling face... nursing him brought us closer although it ws the hardest thing to do in this world !!

im so sorry to for the loss of ur gran and mum this world stinks sometimes !!

thanks !! jet xx
Friday - it's PP - and I shall be "dining" in the car on the way to the country(!!)

Breakfast - a few chicken livers, a softly boiled egg and a chicken thigh

Lunch - piece of roast beef (bought cooked from the butcher); 1/2 tin of tuna mixed with fromage blanc and herbs; more chicken if required!

Snack - fat free fruit flavoured chicken

Dinner - muffins with smoked fish in

on arrival - Dukan friendly, coffee flavoured baked egg custard

well you have a lovley day in the country enjoy !!

jet xx
nursing him brought us closer although it ws the hardest thing to do in this world !!

Absolutely... it's a wonderful thing to have been able to do for someone you love...
lol joanne i lost you for a while didnt know wot board u where on , i think im in the wrong one again ,slap my hands...........

thanks joanne it was !!

jet xx
hey girls - internet just come bacn on at work! trauma lol

B - oatbran porridge
L - prawns crab sticks and hard boiled egg
D - salmon fillets
isnt it a prb when it goes lol........

B - oatbran

L - crab sticks ,chicken fillet and boiled egg and mybe some cottage cheese

D- steak ( yum )
I don't know whether it says this in the English book, but just for your info both of you, crabsticks are limited to eight a day... (and, if you read their ingredients, you might agree that that's generous!!).
yes i know thanks - i had 4 chopped up. more than enough!
p.s im still waiting for my book to come !!!!!!!!!!!
why do you eat them if you dont like them lol?
when did you order it? and was it amazon? we all had to wait for the book in anticipation!
i ordered my book on tuesday and i eat them for a cheap item they r not dear are they lol
In my previous life, I hated anything artificial, plastic coated, and not fresh (I lost 11 stone "healthily" remember...!!). Then, once I started this diet, I saw they were "ok Dukan" and now I'm forever lost...

I particularly enjoy having a couple as a TV snack... slowly unrolling and nibbling... one of my cats always has some too... the porkier of the two obviously!
I waited 2 weeks, and then I complained to Amazon. They sent another which I received in 2 days. The other one must be in the Channel somewhere!!
maybe cheryl will find the other on her way down!!!!! lol
right kids im offski now. have great healthy weekends. I might pop on later or tomorrow xxxx