Daily menus

Crikey!!! I'm not sure I know my anatomy well enough to try that! (I'll probably lose a kidney or something!!)...
lmao - nearly spat my water all over my desk :)
haaaaaa! bet Cheryl would know where it is! CherYYYLLLL I need you! hihi
Ok ladies as needs must.............The best way to sit when having a poo is to sit on the toilet and put your feet on a box or something to raise your legs. Reasoning behind this is to get your knees above hip height and arch your back a little so you slouch over or lean on your knees. This helps get your bowel in the right position and hopefully prevents straining. Which might i add is something you should NEVER do as it stimulates the vagal nerve and this is why most old people die on the toilet. It can make you black out from it or as said, worse!
omg Cheryl I never knew that! was that what happened to elvis??
she needed to know if she would massage out her kidney by doing colonic massage (its on the previous page :))
haaaa! maybe laughter will help! I feel I need to but am ever conscious of not straining... I'll try putting my feet on the laundry basket when I get home! haaaaa! My cats will be most amused!
But if it works then who cares whos laughing. I bet you never thought you'd meet someone quite like me!!!
lol :) and i thought you were all quiet cheryl when i first met (sort pf) you ;)
the first day :D
omg i just remembered I have PV day tomorrow :) exciting :D
Looking forward to seeing your PV menu Vicky...

My third PP on the trot

(a further 2 Dulcolax last night and still waiting!)
Dukan muffins (oat and wheat bran) with smoked fish in the mix

small leftover 5% homemade burger; small portion of turkey marinated in Dijon mustard, garlic and fromage frais and dry fried, chicken leg

chicken thigh and fat free fruit flavoured yoghurt

piece of cod, couple of scallops, few prawns - poached together in skimmed milk and cumin
morning :)
turkey sounds nice Jo

B - boiled eggs x 2
L - chicken tikka salad and galette with mint yog dip
D - salmon fillets x 2 and whatever veg mum makes (prob a couple of these :-cauli/brocc/asparagus/spinach/green beans)
s - nothing

am really bloated not sure whether its the weather and put 1/2lb on overnight :( stinking headache too.

Jo i wouldnt take any more of those tablets honey you might blow up !!!!
Jo - are you ok? are you still on the toilet??? :sign0131::sick0019::sign0131: :sign0131: :sign0131: