Daily menus

Lol. Oliver is very good i must say. If he could he would live off fruit and veg. As for salads he will eat a whole cucumber if i let him.
As for salads he will eat a whole cucumber if i let him.
so will my Hannah lmao x
My girls eat anything and everything, it just doesnt agree with their butts! I gave them some wheatabix today, do you think thats ok? They loved it
Oh mine love it too. Its great for weaning pups too. When i got hannah from her breeder she was on weetabix twice a day with goats milk and honey. No wonder she is a porker!
once a day? with hot milk LOL. Shreddies are a favourite too or shredded wheat. They do need to get some sort of dog food or dog vits in them though :)
Cool. They can have a cereal for breakfast now then. Im still trying with dog food but it either makes them hyper and i mean really badly or gives them terrible squits and im constantly cleaning up after them.
aww bless then
ANYWAY...how did this thread change from our daily menu to the dogs? LMAO
I'm a cat person... (oh and does anyone like football?!!)
I like cats but very allergic to them. I would have to say no to football, my husband doesnt either. Do you? We will be in France for some of it so instead of being a typical British football hooligan we've decided we'll be backing the French while out there.
Im allergic to cats too! And no to football. Im a complete girly girl :D
I've two cats, one is good and one is evil! I prefer dogs but with being out all day I decided to get cats as they are more self sufficient. One is 18 now bless him. I'll have a dog when I retire :)
Take the dog to work!!!!! ;)
lmao !
haaaa! it's true that cats are easier... (although I wish my younger one wouldn't keep waking me at 5.30am purrrring in my ear for me to get up!!).

I love football and am looking forward to the World Cup... I'm English through and though (like rock!), and bought an English tshirt, flag etc etc... and will certainly NOT be supporting France! (Ever!!)

My other half would love a dog, but not very practical in a city...
My other half would love a dog, but not very practical in a city...
ah a little one would be ok ?

Is you other half French?
English... (been together 7 years...)

before him, never French either... 14 years with a Turk!
Lol. So how did you come about moving to france? I read a book about the typical people that live in Paris, written by someone that had moved out there. It was very funny.