eeeeeeek, I dunno !!!! If it's anything like the gluten based Chinese mock duck I used to get from the World Foods section of Tesco it's quite nice, very strong flavoured, I used it to make kebabs all summer long until everyone got totally fed up with it. Maybe with some chinesey spices or sweet and sour, onions and carrots and greens sort of a dish? Or yes, maybe sarnies, I didn't know the H&B one was free ..... thinks ..... if a gluten based item like this is free .... what about my Jack Ribz with gluten???? eh SW, can I get away with it?
Yup, H&B, not a lot of stock and vastly overpriced. Are you anywhere near this place? It has a very good reputation
Unicorn Grocery - Organic produce and wholefoods
You made a wise decision not getting that tinned tofu, marigold braised tofu was it? I've only had it once and thought it disgusting. Possibly I was wrong of course, and my taste buds were having a bad day.
You did great at the coffee shop, and the charity shops too. I too went to a charity shop and was pleased with my finds, oh this sun is nice