serial poster
Oh no!!!! Cakes in the staff room!!! Arghhhhhhhhh!
step away from the cakes lol
h x
Oh no!!!! Cakes in the staff room!!! Arghhhhhhhhh!
yay!! enjoy)
Daisy you r doing really well. You r so positive which is lovely - the weight loss will reflect that too. Well done
Day seven
Well today I got my annoying monthly friend!! Perfect timing considering I'm due to get weighed In less than 2 days!
Anyway I've not felt hungry at all today! I've started watching series on my laptop to help pass the time! Pmt has got me bad today! I went the gym and had a good workout! I even done the hour long walk home to try and shift the mood but I think it may have won today! Haha I'm just going to bed and will wake up tomorrow excited for weigh day Friday! X
hopefully it wont affect your weight loss this week. ive had mine too and ive still kept losing albeit a bit slower
h x
Day 8
Well today has been really easy! although I did spill half my final shake out the blender so could only drink half of it!
getting weighed in the morning! I seriously cant wait! I hope I have a good loss! but to be honest I feel better already so I don't care about numbers! I like that my clothes are a bit loose! and I went back the gym today, only for a quick sesh today so only burned 200 calories, better than nothing I suppose
oh well weigh day tomorrow!! then work, then massage!! xx
oh the massage is a lovely treat at the end of the weekgood luck in the morning xx
Day nine
What a fantastic day! Went to get weighed and I have lost 12lbs!! I can't believe it! I'm so happy!! I feel fantastic! And it's a massive chunk of my overall 3 stone I'm hoping to get rid of! Had a relaxing day after work! Just pottered about and cleaned my room! Had a massage and ready for the hairdressers tomorrow! The new me is on her way! X