Hi Daisy

Sorry, I'm a bit hit and miss being online these days! Life is just so busy (which is good I guess - keeps me out of mischief

). Su was about for a little while, but not sure what's happening with her now. She's done really well, and is at a fairly good weight though anyhow
Well done on your first week's loss hun

Brilliant start. You are really focussed and are going to great - I know it

Bless your mum. People who have never done this sort of diet, just don't 'get it' really do they

Her advice comes from a good place though
I've stopped Lipotrim now, but am still very much focussed on weight loss and fitness. I've fallen into a healthy eating/calorie counting routine. Am not eating junk food and am writing down every single thing I eat, so am keeping an eye on things

Have bought myself a bike for my 40th birthday (in a few weeks), and so been cycling a lot, taking the children to school on their scooters (me on bike or walking) - the lovely weather past couple of weeks has helped - and am also still doing my 2 body pump classes and 3 cardio sessions at gym. Every day this past 2 weeks (bar Sundays, which is my day off exercise), I've done around 3 hours of exercise

No idea if the scales will shift this coming Tues, as they've been a bit of a pain the past few weeks. Think my body getting used to food again maybe. Don't know. My clothes are getting loser though, so I guess my hard work will show on the scales in due course
Anyhow, keep going hun. I'll keep popping in to catch up with your news
