I only had my bike a few weeks ago (early 40th birthday pressie lol. Think I'm having a mid life crisis! lmao

) Was really worried about weight limits and what I'd look like on one, etc. but I'd put it off for a couple of years already and thought stuff it. I discovered that Halfords bikes have a weight limit of 120kg, so knew I'd be okay and using the kids as 'cover' so to speak, I found my confidence. Few times on it and it's been fine. No one has laughed at me or called any names - well, apart from 2 teenagers who were clearly laughing at me whilst I cycled back from school run the other week. Must admit I laughed along with them and let it go like water off a ducks back. I really must've looked comical on my old style bike with basket on the front, helmet on, fat bird, puffing and panting up the hill with a beetroot face! Paints a pretty picture doesn't it lmao

Boys and I have had great fun cycling back and forth to school and going on long rides on local cycle routes.
As for camping we love it! I think with an electric pitch, you can be really comfortable in a tent nowadays

An oil filled or electric fan heater is a real bonus in the cold weather to take the chill off last thing at night and early mornings. What a bargain you got there with your tent!

We have a huge one with a porch for family trips, but I'm currently on the look out for a smaller one just for the boys and I that I can take when meeting up with friends for one or two nights. The big tent takes a good 3-4 hours to put up and get everything in it. So 6-8 hours total for putting it up and down for a trip is a lot if only away one or two nights! Exhausting work alone as well. Okay if hubby or another adult is with me.
Well done on getting going with the exercise. Snowdon sounds fun

We often climb Pen y Fan, which is also a good old hike up. Lots of fun and fab views on a beautiful day
Good luck for weigh in Thurs

The weeks are definitely flying past! xx