Daisy's Diary Take Two

Thanks Dusty, you seem to be doing pretty well yourself!! lol :)
The Long Wait

I remember last time I was on L.T , I often would get a daunting feeling at how many weeks I needed to stay on it to reach goal, but I tried to compare it to when I was pregnant with my children. Its a 40 week wait to get that little bundle and when you do hold your child for the first time all the waiting is forgotten. When I was pregnant I would get fed up and want to 'pack in' lol but I couldnt lol So I would find ways to distract myself to make the weeks go by quicker and thats similar to what Im doing now.

So Its only another 20 weeks on Thursday, that isnt really that long to wait to be slim, I also love the fact that I started earlier in the year too, so this year I will be finished in time to enjoy my daughters B.days in September and my own in Oct and I really hope I have a great maintenence plan in place so christmas shouldnt be a problem either. I have a lot of hopes and dreams for the rest of this year and the only person who can stop me is ME! :D
You're sounding very positive there Daisy and it's good to see. Keep it up. :)
Wacky Wednesday

Im just loving Wacky Wednesdays, having a good day although Im looking forward to the routine of school for my 8 years old. hehe . :p My oldest son turned 26 yesterday I cant believe how time flys past and if you think how many years some of us sit there being overweight and not doing anything about it and being miserable. His partner is expecting their first child in September which means I will be a grandma!!!!:eek: lol Another reason to get fit so I can be a cool granny! lol :)
You are doing great Daisy.....'A grandma'....you'll def be the coolest, thinnest, healthiest grandma in town! Keep up the good work! x

Twas the night before weigh in ..... again!! lol How did that happen? Had another good day, I think I agree with the lipotrim video ( once you settle into the lipotrim lifestyle its just the boredom you have to contend with), I can cope with a little boredom if it leads me to my new exciting life! :p. Last time I was on L.T I started to lose some hair after about ten weeks I think. It doesnt come out in clumps or make you bald it just sheds naturally as you brush, and I admit it did worry me at the time but the video explains that once hair starts to come out its only because new hair is on its way, I also know that it doesnt happen to everyone and its nothing to panic about. It quickly grew back and noone else could tell.;)

Really looking forward to tomorrow and Im going to say another prayer to the lipotrim fairy to send me a nice loss :rolleyes:
Nice bath and off to bed for me.
Week Three Weigh in

4lbs gone this week very pleased with that! :) My pharmacy didnt have any chocolate shakes and thats the only one I have! So Ive got 21 minging Strawberry lol Oh well I can handle it for a week I suppose :jelous::jelous:. MY ticker wont update Ive tried all ways..... clicking on it doesnt do anything and going to the website and entering my pin doesnt work either maybe they are having problems with it as it was fine the last two weeks. Im off to Nottingham for the weekend so wont be on my diary after today till Monday. I will pack my 'lovely' shakes. :D
Changed Ticker

Well I managed to delete my ticker and start a new one, I decided to add the 6lbs I lost the week before I started LT properly, as lets face it I lost it and every pound counts !! :D Also I have lowered my goal weight so I have more to lose lol :eek: am I crazy? I have set a big goal for myself so I may have to do a few extra weeks then I planned but I will review it when I get there :p. I been to the library and got what looks like a really good book about changing how our children eat, My son eats all the healthy foods and does have quite a good diet but I think it could be better, I dont want to set him up for a life of dieting, so im going to try to instill the skill of making better choices. ;)
I been to the library and got what looks like a really good book about changing how our children eat, My son eats all the healthy foods and does have quite a good diet but I think it could be better, I dont want to set him up for a life of dieting, so im going to try to instill the skill of making better choices. ;)

Daisy my daughter is 10 and thinks she's fat! She def is not but all her wee friends are like pencils compared to her...she is taller than them all. Over the last few months she has been asking how much fat is in everything she eats and how many calories! I dont want her to have a lifetime of dieting so that book sounds perfect...what's it called? I'm so worried about her having an eating disorder or something...so i really dont know how to approach it with her! All it takes is one comment of her being 'fat'!!!!! I don't think all these disney programmes help either....they are all too skinny and perfect in them!.....but i cant stop her watching!
I've ordered a book called Beck Diet Solution...it hasnt arrived yet but it's supposed to train your brain to think like a thin person and not over eat! We'll see eh? x
Well done on another fab weigh in Daisy :D

My hair started falling out about 2 weeks ago. I usually get the hair loss when I return go higher calories, rather than whilst on the diet. It will settle in a few weeks and I've never gone bald. It was the same after I had the boys :)

I'm all for giving our children the ability to make healthier choices for themselves as they grow up, along with ensuring we feed them a healthy diet whilst we are in control of what they eat. I'm so careful with my boys and they eat really healthily with sweet treats at the weekends (and even then still limited) and special occasions like birthdays only. Whilst we were away camping past few days they had a McDonalds. First one this year. I think that's occasional and a treat :) Who knows when they will get another. They appreciate it all the more then I think :) (I was good, and didn't have one ;) ). I also try to instill an active lifestyle into my boys and we go on regular bike rides, hikes, etc. and they are into sports like football and rugby. They see me go to the gym regularly (always have done that regardless of weight) and it definitely rubs off on them. We are definitely the role model :)

Littleflower - I think it's harder with girls, but boys do become aware of calories and being fat. When my eldest (who is now 11) started asking to weigh himself and about calories, I just strongly reassured him he wasn't fat (he's not at all) and that he didn't need to worry about scales or calories, he just needed to make sure he wasn't eating junk food and sweets every day and ate the healthy food I gave him and then fruit to fill up on if he was still hungry and that he should carry on running around at playtime and enjoying his bike rides and sport, etc. He is growing and the scales don't matter as he's supposed to get heavier :) He seemed satisfied with this and moved on and hasn't asked since.

Hi, Littleflower, when my daughters were little I was horrified when then the started reading how many calories and fat grams were in things, I told them straight that it was mummy's job to check those things and it was their job to be kids and not worry about it. I told them I would make sure they had what they needed and monitor their treats. They accepted it and when they went to high school they found it amusing when their friends were all on fad diets and worrying about stuff and they used to give them advice not to worry lol One is a size 8 and they other a 10, they are 21 and 19 now and their weight and size has always been very steady they dont go up and down. I plan to do the same for my son, Im going to do all the food planning behind the scenes but make sure there are healthy choices for him to choose between. I ve never talked about my weight struggles as the girls were growing up or called my self fat and Ive always told my girls that they are gorgeous and perfect as they are and they both have good self esteem. The book I got is called Lorraine Kelly's Junk Free childrens eating plan with Carina Norris. I agree that a lot of the female cartoon characters are abnormally skinny its not healthy for kids to think they should look like that, but I also understand when you say you cant stop them from watching their favorite shows. I bet your daughter is gorgeous! :D

Jayne, I want you to adopt me! You sound like you have a lovely famly life going there its lovely to hear. I want to get bikes this year for us. We bought a 4 man tent from a car boot for 6 quid and its turned out to be in amazing condition lol so we plan to try it out when it warms up. We are also planning walking up snowden in Aug so wish me luck lol :p I have made a start in my fitness programme, i bought myself a swimming hat this weekend because i love swimming but it ruins my hilights lol no excuses now ....:p

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Had a lovely weekend, looking forward to weigh in on Thursday, I cant believe how fast the weeks go by on Lipotrim. When you first start it seems to go so slowly then the longer you are on it the easier it gets and you just settle into it. The hardest part is boredom and missing the social aspect of sharing a meal with friends and family, but even thats not too difficult to handle as you know its not for ever and you will be back doing that after L.T. Whenever I see someone eating something that looks delicious I just think (Yes , it looks lovely and when I finish L.T i can have some of that but I will be slim when I do lol :D
I only had my bike a few weeks ago (early 40th birthday pressie lol. Think I'm having a mid life crisis! lmao :) ) Was really worried about weight limits and what I'd look like on one, etc. but I'd put it off for a couple of years already and thought stuff it. I discovered that Halfords bikes have a weight limit of 120kg, so knew I'd be okay and using the kids as 'cover' so to speak, I found my confidence. Few times on it and it's been fine. No one has laughed at me or called any names - well, apart from 2 teenagers who were clearly laughing at me whilst I cycled back from school run the other week. Must admit I laughed along with them and let it go like water off a ducks back. I really must've looked comical on my old style bike with basket on the front, helmet on, fat bird, puffing and panting up the hill with a beetroot face! Paints a pretty picture doesn't it lmao :D Boys and I have had great fun cycling back and forth to school and going on long rides on local cycle routes.

As for camping we love it! I think with an electric pitch, you can be really comfortable in a tent nowadays :) An oil filled or electric fan heater is a real bonus in the cold weather to take the chill off last thing at night and early mornings. What a bargain you got there with your tent! :) We have a huge one with a porch for family trips, but I'm currently on the look out for a smaller one just for the boys and I that I can take when meeting up with friends for one or two nights. The big tent takes a good 3-4 hours to put up and get everything in it. So 6-8 hours total for putting it up and down for a trip is a lot if only away one or two nights! Exhausting work alone as well. Okay if hubby or another adult is with me.

Well done on getting going with the exercise. Snowdon sounds fun :) We often climb Pen y Fan, which is also a good old hike up. Lots of fun and fab views on a beautiful day :)

Good luck for weigh in Thurs :) The weeks are definitely flying past! xx

lmao Jayne Im sure you didnt look that bad! lol Wow I cant believe it takes hours to put your tent up it must be huge lol Ours takes 20 mins and I must admit I went to make a cuppa half way through hehehe. Ive just noticed you are from wales! my Aunty lives in Llantwit Major and my grandma in st.Athans, my mum was raised in Wales its beautiful.

I was feeling a little low yesterday, but I came on here and read my diary from start to finish and it really cheered me up, Im so glad I started it as it will help me through the next 19 weeks. :D:D.

well both my daughters have got an interview tomorrow to do their nurse training at Lincoln University. so I will be very busy.......... they are both coming to get ready here at my house and then they want me to mock interview them lol Its going to be a fun day Im sure lol I will probalby be on tea duty as they wont want to stain their outfits!! lol it will make the day go fast cant wait till Thursday. :p I hope they have chocolate in cos the strawberry are minging :jelous:.
Hi Daisy,

good to see your feeling better.
Hope all goes well for your daughters and thier interview's