Daisy's Diary!

nessa123 said:
Lol this has made me laugh! What is it with bloody men!!
Get off your arses and help out!!!!! Mine is just as bad and then im "the boring moaner" WHATEVER!! Xxx

Yea I said erm you don't have to ask me to do your dinner etc so why should I have to ask you? Grr lol
*Marianne* said:
Too right, Daisy, you tell him! You both live there so should both be doing stuff. My OH left this morning and said to me as he was leaving "Maybe you could do these dishes". What? Like I wouldn't usually? Think he wished he hadn't opened his mouth then. The cheek! Anyway, you just enjoy your day and don't let him get you down.

Marianne x

Aww thanks,kids are up now so I won't say owt else to him as not fair on them,yea I said we can write a Rota tonight which he just laughed at! To me while he isn't at Uni and just 'sitting there' he can help! Anyhow enough moaning from me,lol thanks again :0)
*Marianne* said:
Too right, Daisy, you tell him! You both live there so should both be doing stuff. My OH left this morning and said to me as he was leaving "Maybe you could do these dishes". What? Like I wouldn't usually? Think he wished he hadn't opened his mouth then. The cheek! Anyway, you just enjoy your day and don't let him get you down.

Marianne x

Grr at your OH..they really don't think before they speak sometimes!
Aww thanks,kids are up now so I won't say owt else to him as not fair on them,yea I said we can write a Rota tonight which he just laughed at! To me while he isn't at Uni and just 'sitting there' he can help! Anyhow enough moaning from me,lol thanks again :0)

Least the kids can keep you company for a bit. How cheeky! I agree, if he's not got anything on I actually think he should be doing more to give you a break! I'm angry for you hun!

Marianne x
I wish my hubby would help me out. Until my stepdaughter moved in I did everything - and I mean everything - but it's a bit better since she is here as she will at least makes his cup of teas and cook a few nights a week.....and he has the nerve to moan at me when I get tired!!! Men hey. Xxx
*Marianne* said:
Least the kids can keep you company for a bit. How cheeky! I agree, if he's not got anything on I actually think he should be doing more to give you a break! I'm angry for you hun!

Marianne x

Thanks for the support hun,me and the kids have had dinner,think we will chill with a film in a bit :0)
*Marianne* said:
I know! He wasn't being serious and I knew it and normally would have laughed but the mood I'm in today............. I'm gonna take your lead and stop moaning too!

Marianne x

Lol yea some things just aren't funny!
I wish my hubby would help me out. Until my stepdaughter moved in I did everything - and I mean everything - but it's a bit better since she is here as she will at least makes his cup of teas and cook a few nights a week.....and he has the nerve to moan at me when I get tired!!! Men hey. Xxx

That's terrible although at least your stepdaughter helps out. I think sometimes men have been used to their mums running after them and doing everything for them that they don't even realise they're being so lazy! My OH is actually pretty good around the house so I know I'm lucky. How would he cope if you and your stepdaughter weren't there for a few days?

Marianne x
mrsgosling3 said:
I wish my hubby would help me out. Until my stepdaughter moved in I did everything - and I mean everything - but it's a bit better since she is here as she will at least makes his cup of teas and cook a few nights a week.....and he has the nerve to moan at me when I get tired!!! Men hey. Xxx

Yea considering you both work then it's fair to help each other out,mine thinks cos he makes me a hot water in the morning he is doing something lol.Thats good that your SD helps you out..yea men.. ;0)
*Marianne* said:
That's terrible although at least your stepdaughter helps out. I think sometimes men have been used to their mums running after them and doing everything for them that they don't even realise they're being so lazy! My OH is actually pretty good around the house so I know I'm lucky. How would he cope if you and your stepdaughter weren't there for a few days?

Marianne x

Mine hasn't got his mum as a excuse but he has only lived with Gf's or landladys so I guess that hasn't helped! But no excuses I do think he is just lazy as I often have to ask him to come on dog walks but once he is out he enjoys it,his trouble is he is too addicted to online games which he thinks is fine but to me,if it affects your relationship..how is it fine? Sorry I'm off again,not often I say anything on here but I guess a diary is a place to be honest!
Mine hasn't got his mum as a excuse but he has only lived with Gf's or landladys so I guess that hasn't helped! But no excuses I do think he is just lazy as I often have to ask him to come on dog walks but once he is out he enjoys it,his trouble is he is too addicted to online games which he thinks is fine but to me,if it affects your relationship..how is it fine? Sorry I'm off again,not often I say anything on here but I guess a diary is a place to be honest!

Moan away, Daisy, we're all here to listen. Addiction is serious, it doesn't matter what you're addicted to. And you're right, it will affect your relationship. Does he know how you feel? And if he's only lived with other women he's probably gotten away with being lazy and now he's so used to it he doesn't see why he should change. I think your idea of a rota is a good one and if he sticks to it it'll help you out so much. See men and online games! My pal's OH is the same and they have small children and he basically ignores them all cos he's too involved in his games, makes me :flamingmad:

Marianne x
*Marianne* said:
Moan away, Daisy, we're all here to listen. Addiction is serious, it doesn't matter what you're addicted to. And you're right, it will affect your relationship. Does he know how you feel? And if he's only lived with other women he's probably gotten away with being lazy and now he's so used to it he doesn't see why he should change. I think your idea of a rota is a good one and if he sticks to it it'll help you out so much. See men and online games! My pal's OH is the same and they have small children and he basically ignores them all cos he's too involved in his games, makes me :flamingmad:

Marianne x

Thanks hun,yup I've let him know how I feel many times! Sorry to hear about your friends OH,not good for the poor kiddies! Thanks about the rota,yea he does have a addictive personality!
Me and hubby have just had a barney too!! He always seems to disappear when Sophie starts kicking off and leaves me to deal with it all the time. So I said to him I always get worst of it and he claimed that no he gets the worst of it because he has to put up with me!! Yeh thanks for that! So what with that and my feelings about the rides I described on my diary and me over hearing a group of Lads describing it as a total blackout when I walked past I've pretty much had enough today!!
(so sorry to rant on your diary hun) xxx
nessa123 said:
Me and hubby have just had a barney too!! He always seems to disappear when Sophie starts kicking off and leaves me to deal with it all the time. So I said to him I always get worst of it and he claimed that no he gets the worst of it because he has to put up with me!! Yeh thanks for that! So what with that and my feelings about the rides I described on my diary and me over hearing a group of Lads describing it as a total blackout when I walked past I've pretty much had enough today!!
(so sorry to rant on your diary hun) xxx

I will nip over to your diary in a minute hun,just dropped the kids back,say what you like on mine hun.Grr at your hubby,that comment was hardly helpful to you! Funny how they are the hard done by ones! And ffs at those lads! How rude! I hope you are ok Nessa!
bulldogdaisy said:
I will nip over to your diary in a minute hun,just dropped the kids back,say what you like on mine hun.Grr at your hubby,that comment was hardly helpful to you! Funny how they are the hard done by ones! And ffs at those lads! How rude! I hope you are ok Nessa!

Hope you had a lovely time with the kids hun.
I'm ok now thanks Hun I've calmed down and hubby is grovelling lol gonna make him sweat a bit longer cheeky bugger!! Xx
nessa123 said:
Hope you had a lovely time with the kids hun.
I'm ok now thanks Hun I've calmed down and hubby is grovelling lol gonna make him sweat a bit longer cheeky bugger!! Xx

Haha my OH goes like that..it's like just be nice in the first place lol.Had a great time with the kids thanks,Will be seeing them again on Friday :0) am glad you feel better,hehe at making him grovel ;0)
bulldogdaisy said:
Haha my OH goes like that..it's like just be nice in the first place lol.Had a great time with the kids thanks,Will be seeing them again on Friday :0) am glad you feel better,hehe at making him grovel ;0)

They will never learn!!
Not long until you see them again then. Ryan is off to his dads tomorrow for week (I must be mad) but Ryan really wants to go and it's not fair to punish the grandparents just because their son is a prat!! I'm just hoping he will be ok I'm sure Stuart's mum will look after him. It's going to be so strange without him next week xx
nessa123 said:
They will never learn!!
Not long until you see them again then. Ryan is off to his dads tomorrow for week (I must be mad) but Ryan really wants to go and it's not fair to punish the grandparents just because their son is a prat!! I'm just hoping he will be ok I'm sure Stuart's mum will look after him. It's going to be so strange without him next week xx

Nah never learn unfortunately lol.Will soon be Friday so that's a result :0) will be nice for Ryan to see his grandparents,I hope the week goes well.Yea it will be strange for sure not having Ryan around!