Daisy's Diary!

Morning hun any plans for today? Xx
Morning Kel :0) me and the OH plan on going for a walk sometime today plus I want to do a 5 minute ab workout.Might just do my own instead of a app.Cooking the OH a chilli later so I'm having one of my frozen chillis with either couscous and veg or a jacket potato,haven't made my mind up yet lol.Hope you have a good day hun :0)
bulldogdaisy said:
Morning Kel :0) me and the OH plan on going for a walk sometime today plus I want to do a 5 minute ab workout.Might just do my own instead of a app.Cooking the OH a chilli later so I'm having one of my frozen chillis with either couscous and veg or a jacket potato,haven't made my mind up yet lol.Hope you have a good day hun :0)

What's your 5 minute ab workout? I really need to do something too. Flatten out this belly lol x
Sounds like another good day hun, food and exercise wise xx
Dubchick81 said:
I really need to do some batch cooking.. Used to have the freezer packed but cleared it when I moved out.. Need to get it topped up again..

Yea batch cooking is so handy.Helps me out when I go see the kids as just get my meal out the night before and the OH's :0)
lauramarlow88 said:
What's your 5 minute ab workout? I really need to do something too. Flatten out this belly lol x

Well today I've just done my own thing but before that I was doing Denise Austin's five minute work outs from you tube.She has loads,stomach,thighs,chest etc.I do have some abs apps that I've yet to try.
Yea batch cooking is so handy.Helps me out when I go see the kids as just get my meal out the night before and the OH's :0)
Yea its great. I LOVE cooking from scratch but now being at home and the kitchen being a building site, I'm literally eating CRAP! Tryna keep it as good as possible but don't think I've eaten a vegetable since moving home!! I miss my veg.. Really want to make a big pot of winter veg soup..
Just realised I've not put up a diary in ages.. Best get back to doing that..
Dubchick81 said:
Yea its great. I LOVE cooking from scratch but now being at home and the kitchen being a building site, I'm literally eating CRAP! Tryna keep it as good as possible but don't think I've eaten a vegetable since moving home!! I miss my veg.. Really want to make a big pot of winter veg soup..
Just realised I've not put up a diary in ages.. Best get back to doing that..

Yea it must be hard where you are living right now!At least once you get your home sorted you can go back to the batch cooking :0) good idea to get back to doing your diary.It'll help keep you focused.It makes me feel better knowing there are dinners in the freezer lol
*Marianne* said:
Hi Daisy, how's it going? Glad to see things are better and you enjoyed yesterday. Food is looking great too and you've done loads of exercise! Batch cooking is definitely the way to go, makes you feel so organised. I need to get back into it. Have a good day today!

Marianne x

Hi Hun,all going good,another good day so far :0) have enjoyed the bike rides,need to keep going with them,hopefully will still do them on my own when OH goes back to Uni.I agree bout batch cooking,will do plenty in the winter months.Will do my soup then as well,thanks about my day,same to you :0)
Dubchick81 said:
I have made the decision to go to the pound shop after work n get a load of disposable food containers.. I will then batch cook some yummy dinners and store them.. :)

That's brilliant :0) great idea.At some stage I will get more containers to batch more,winter months I reckon as I said to OH bout it last night then one week we can live off frozen meals then with the money we have saved from not shopping we can go for meal or cinema or see my friends band play at the pub :0)
*Marianne* said:
That's a great plan, Daisy! You're really organised, wish I was more like that!

I'm terrible with those containers, I must buy about 20 a year and ALWAYS lose them all! I leave them at work, my mum steals them when she's round, OH bins them accidentally (??!). Think I'm keeping whoever makes them in business, haha!

Marianne x

Thanks Hun,lol at your containers! Get some food in them quick lol ;0)
That's a great plan, Daisy! You're really organised, wish I was more like that!

I'm terrible with those containers, I must buy about 20 a year and ALWAYS lose them all! I leave them at work, my mum steals them when she's round, OH bins them accidentally (??!). Think I'm keeping whoever makes them in business, haha!

Marianne x
Ha ha.. When I moved in with my BF recently he was like WTF! WHY have you got a million tubs???? I had 2 boxed n a bag full.. but its just coz they don't all stack into each other so it looked more than it was... ha ha