Daisy's sf diary

Big difference! The part of ur chest that is uncovered looks really small!
sarah88 said:
Big difference! The part of ur chest that is uncovered looks really small!

Thanks, when I got to my heaviest I did feel uncomfortable sometimes when I was sitting down with my chest,like a heavy feeling!
bulldogdaisy said:
Thanks,I haven't worn it for a few months so could really see a difference so thought I'd share lol

So what you doing with that duster lol?
Purpled said:
So what you doing with that duster lol?

Lol me and a mate were at my friend's 50th last year and not much was happening so for some reason we decided to go in the cloak room and have a laugh,she has balloon up her top boobs pics on fb from that night! Lol
Well done on the loss, Daisy. Great stuff, and your target for your birthday looks really achievable.

Can definitely see a really big difference in the photos, its really gratifying to be able to look back and compare like that. I kind of wish I wasn't so averse to photos when I was bigger as its means there is very little photos to provide a "before".

I can't imagine life without tea or coffee. I often go for several days without one but I can't imagine never drinking it. My OH doesn't drink either. The nearest he ever gets is honey and lemon when ill or the odd hot ribeena in winter. That makes him sound more like a 7 year old than a 30 year old bloke doesn't it??
Thanks about the weight loss,challenge and photo,I don't like my photo being taken no matter what size I am! Im sooo not photogenic! Hence a few headless snaps of me on here or me pulling silly faces! Aw about your OH! I think most men are young at heart ;0)
Food update for Sunday 26th of August




Cheese 2pp and tomato toastie(not had one in ages..very yummy) apple/plum


Pork mash 1pp peas 2 Yorkshire puddings 2pp gravy 1pp


Grapes with icecream 3pp and yoghurt 2pp

Half a boost 4pp (my friend gave me a boost to take home with me Friday so I shared it with the OH)

Lots of weeklies used but it is the bank holiday weekend ;0) 15 used/27 left

Exercise was dog walking and 6 minutes ab work
Mmm Yorkshire puddings! Do you make or buy? I really want some Yorkshire pudding now! Might have some with my meat free sausage and mash later :) with gravy and maybe mushy peas lol!!

Great food day as usual Daisy!
Egg flour and milk like a pancake. They are easy to make. But even easier to buy :)
Brilliant difference in photos. I think on your arms as well as bust!
I make my own yorkshires, it's hard to get right at first but getting real good now.
Dinner sounds awesome. Mmmm. And I definitely don't think 15 weeklies is that many on a weekend day, especially given you often don't have hardly any!

I love yorkshire puddings but always avoid making them these day because I presumed they would come out as hugely high in pp - what quantities do you use to get ones that are 1 pp Becks? Quite excited about this. Have been salivating over the idea of toad in the hole since one of my friends mentioned it a couple of weeks ago...