Danielle's refeed diary :)

Day 59 - Tuesday

BREAKFAST - Branflakes & strawberries.

LUNCH - 2 tuna mayo wholemeal rolls (extra light mayo). Apple.

DINNER - Tomato & red pepper soup, 2 slices of wholemeal bread. Mullerlight.

SNACKS - 2 crumpets, skinny cow.

DRINKS - Lots of water, few teas.

EXERCISE - 15 mins stepper.
Looks like you're having a good & healthy week! :) x
I'm trying! Cracked and had the crumpets last night tho - should've just gone to bed.
Going to go for a run later, really need to step up the exercise cos my holiday will be here before I know it!!
Thanks Mary :)
You have a good time in Turkey? Get nice and tanned?
I'm going to Cambodia, Laos and Thailand - cannot wait!
Day 60 - Wednesday

BREAKFAST - Crunchy nut cornflakes.

LUNCH - Low fat super noodles. Mullerlight.

DINNER - Turkey stir fry with small portion of brown rice.

SNACKS - 4 cherry tomatoes.

DRINKS - Water, tea, diet coke.

EXERCISE - None :(
Yes I had a super time thanks, booking today to go back again on Oct 8th for 2 weeks, got a good tan, I dont really go brown, but this is the brownest I have ever been.

Wow, your holiday sounds fantastic, hope you have a great time.