Thank you
I wasn't well enough for my bath unfortunately
My carer said I looked ill, so I guess I look how I feel. I'm also more intolerant to touch than normal, so I think I may be in pain. Taken some painkillers to see if they help.
I have a slight obsession with penguins, and my favourite colour is purple
Penguin (one of my penguins) came to my exam with me, so I took him to pick up my results as well. He's next to me on the bed at the moment.
I'm sticking to extra easy at the moment, as my husband is doing all the cooking and he's trying to get his head around that first. I'll introduce him to the other plans at a later date. He's currently trying to gain weight, so is supplementing meals with lots of crisps and sweets and stuff. He gets so much exercise looking after me though he's all muscle and has no fat on him