Danni's Weight Loss Diary

Had tea. Crab sticks, melon medley (the second one needed eating) and a Wispa (10.5 syns). Not a normal tea but we're both exhausted and it was nice.

First computing lesson and weigh in tomorrow.
Figured out how to add an image from my phone :)


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Thank you :)

I have an obsession with the colour purple (and penguins) so my wheelchair is staying purple for now. Many of my clothes are purple though, so it will match most of the time.

First lesson at college today. It went well, though our timetables are wrong. I also bought an Eee Pad Transformer so I'll have something to type on in lessons as I can't write (as well as having something lighter to type on in bed).

Weigh in this evening- I lost 1lb, which I'm very happy with :)

Food today hasn't been great, though it's only partially my fault. I forgot to have breakfast (probably the excitement over getting a tablet) and for lunch I had a banana and a Muller Light, because the salad bar at college isn't a salad bar any more, so I couldn't get the chicken and egg salad I was planning.

Tea tonight will be sweet potato with cheese (healthy extra A) and salad or apples, depending what we've got in. I also need to have a healthy extra B at some point , and my syns, so that will probably be a couple of Alpen Light bars and a Wispa.
well done for the loss :)
Thank you :)

Is the site really slow for anyone else? Not sure if it's the site or my Eee Pad.

Today is a bed day, as I've overdone it the last couple of days. It's a bath night, but it depends on which carer it is whether I get one or not.

Breakfast was bananas and Muller Light. Johan is out at the MetroCentre at the moment so lunch will be when he gets back. Not sure what it wll be yet, or what is for tea.

Tying to read diaries but the site is being so slow it is hard work :p
I think it is the site, as it is not very fast for me either, and I had to give up yesterday afternoon, as nobodys diaries would load, and if I replied it disappeared:confused:

Hope you have a good rest day xxx
Ahh. The app is working a bit better, and as the Eee Pad is Android I can use that on here :)

Lunch was a chicken noodle mug shot, an apple, two satsumas and some Ben and Jerry's Phish Food ice cream (about 13.5 syns, if I calculated the amount properly- hard when the tub is in millilitres, but the syns value is in grams).

Not sure what's for tea yet. Too upset because my bath call was cancelled at the last minute, and I only found out because I asked Johan to phone the care agency to find out who it was.
whoooo whooo Danni well done another pound :D fantastic way to go girly :D proud of you. Told you it worked :p and anyway you are not allowed to do a different diet now cos you iz one of us :D and we'd all miss you and your purple penguin too much :D xxxxxxxxx

ps sorry to hear today is a bed day :( and no bath :( but you've done vry very well :D did you get one of those superpad III thingys like I have?
Evening Danni,
Sorry that you didn't get your bath:(
BTW just convert grams to ml and it works out the same x
Johan gave me my bath yesterday, but I was very upset the rest of the evening. I also ate a bar of chocolate, so went over my syns, but I don't particularly care. Otherwise I think I was on plan, though I can't remember exactly what I ate now.

I've not been that upset for a long time. You'd think a care agency would remember to give a client with autism more than 20 minutes notice of changes (and not make them chase up what's happening), but apparently not (this is after they've been told multiple times that I don't cope well with change and need as much notice as possible).

Today I had college. Not really had meals as such, just eaten through the day as I've been hungry. I've had fish sushi (4 syns), melon, grapes, ham and egg salad, and 2 Alpen Light bars (healthy extra B). I still have enough syns for a chocolate bar if I want, and will have tea soon.
College was good, though I hate Microsoft Access. Give me a command line and mySQL any day ;)

Tea was sweet potatoes, 42g mozzarella cheese (healthy extra A) and salad. I have two potatoes as there is too much cheese for one. I also had another Wispa, taking today's syns up to 14.5. The sushi and the chocolate were worth it :)

The care agency is really understaffed at the moment, as they keep taking on new clients but not increasing the amount of staff. I am meant to have a 30 minute call in the evenings when it's not a bath night, but the carer today was hurrying because she was already late for her next call, and was only here 11 minutes. The rushing makes me tired, as I don't get to rest in between each step like I'm meant to (which is why I get so long). I shouldn't complain too much though- I'm lucky to get any care at all.

No college now until Monday. In good news, I've ordered lots of new stuff from the internet- wet weather gear for my wheelchair (in purple :p), a headrest for it as Johan lost part of my old one (in black as I couldn't find a purple one), a new purple watch, and a couple of things for Johan. Oh, and a Trabasack, which is a combination bag and laptop tray :)


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