Another few months away, quite a chaotic time!
I went on holiday and gained a fair bit of weight for a couple of weeks away and struggled to get back into it consistently when I returned! Yo-yo'd for a few weeks but with the general trend being the weight coming off. I'm almost back down to where I was a few months ago now but losing the weight when you're at or close to target is difficult isn't it!
My story has now been in a few national newspapers and in this months Slimming World magazine.
A couple of weeks ago my mum and sister ran the virtual London Marathon. My mum injured herself a few weeks before and wasn't feeling up to it on the day so I decided to turn up and join her for 6-10km of it to see if it would help motivate her a little. I ended up running half the marathon with her having had no training and turning up with my phone and a packet of chewing gum

The buzz from doing that was huge so earlier this week I joined a local running club and started up a strava training plan. This week I've hit a 5km PB, my vo2 max has hit 52 and I've run for 3 and a half hours. Running with the local group was a great decision too, not only did I have an hour running and chatting to people making the time fly, I then had lots of people cheering me on during parkrun on Saturday, a great group of people.
Hope all is well for everyone