Another 40 miles done this week on the bike but the Christmas food is still around and I'm still giving in to the temptation, not helped with my wife saying how amazingly well I've done and it won't hurt if I help her eat all this before she starts properly with me. Burger and chips at the o2 arena yesterday, chinese the night before, a pack of aldi special chocolate (who would've thought aldi chocolate would be so nice!), mini sausage rolls in the fridge, pringles everywhere. HELP!!!
I had really bad heartburn before bed last night, something I've not had before. I'm going to just blame the food I ate during the day and not look into it properly and get back on plan. I already feel like my clothes aren't fitting as well and I felt huge in the o2 yesterday sat next to a bloke who was apparently the same size as I used to be but I felt like I was on par with him now, it's really strange how the mind works.
The wife is back to work today and I'm working from home. Some stage today I am emptying our junk food cupboard and sorting it out. I won't bin it but I will pile a bit up for either of us to take to work and share with people. Usually happens first week back at work, a kitchen full of choc and biscuits and no one touching them due to their new years resolutions. Someones birthday in Feb and the donuts last less than 5 mins in the kitchen!
Anyway, I'm here despite failing because I feel if I don't post in here I will be ignoring my failure and could spiral further out of control. No more chocolate, no more crisps (off plan... lunch crisps still happening with syns), no more burgers, sausage rolls etc! I will hit target this year.