Lonestitcher - I gave a lot of thought into planning my Christmas eating around SW, and I agree it would be quite possible, but I've decided to bin it just for the three days. My brother is staying with me Christmas eve, Christmas Day and Boxing Day, and of course we'll have the kids here. It's gonna be crazy in the house, loadsa toya everywhere, and I wanna get some nice Xmas munchies in for us all to enjoy. I'm just gonna be 100% all the way up to Christmas Eve, then again from 27th December again. I doubt the three days will make any difference (I will still have been dieting 4 days that week remember!) and anything I put on I will take off the following week. Merry Christmas

Marie - good to hear you've had a nice busy day. This evening we are having chicken chow mein and curry sauce, all syn free if I recall but I will have to check! It would be rather useful to get your oven fixed lol
mommyb - it's been a nice day here, not exactly a hot summers day of course but it is dry. So yes indeedy I went out for a ride. I noticed my neighbours car was here so I dragged him out first; He 'joined' SW a couple of weeks ago after being told to lose weight by his doctor but he hasn't yet really followed it properly, although he did lose a pond on his first weigh in. Well he decided to start riding with me, so I suggested he get his bike serviced (hadn't been used for 4 years) and build up slowly. Of course, he hadn't been out on it yet, so I dragged him out just for a long ride round the block - just over a mile. But he survived, and we are going out for slightly longer tomorrow so he can build up slowly. After I had dropped him off I went out on my own, but instead of my usual route I went for an explore, to a part of the town I hadn't been to before, found myself off-road for about half the ride on trails and in a farmers field, all good fun, but much harder than riding on a road!! Total was 5.59 miles, which is good.
I then came home, and did 52 minutes on the Wii fit, so I have been a VERY good boy today haha.
My afternoon is gonna consist of some TV, and a little TV, and I am thinking of trying to squeeze some TV in if I can
If God rested on Sundays, then we should too!
Enjoy the rest of your weekends