Hi all, I've just finished reading your posts since I was last here and am genuinely touched by how lovely you all are :thankyou:
To bring you up to speed without sending you to sleep ... I was off work over 4 months in total during which time I spent more time off plan than on plan

, and of course was unable to train at all :break_diet:. As you can imagine, it didn't do my weight any favours!
After a chat with the specialist we both agreed an operation was a little too drastic. At the time I hadn't experienced any sciatica for several weeks only the back aches and pains, which were well under control with the meds I was on. He booked me in to have a procedure done called a spinal facet injection - don't google it as it'll make your eyes water

But by the time my appointment came round I felt my back had improved enough to not warrant it so I cancelled.
I've been back at work driving trains for a week now

My back is by no means 100% ok, but it is ok to work which is good enough for me. I have been told I cannot ever run again nor do any training which involves a load on my lower back and/or impact in the same area. That's no great problem as I never really enjoyed running - it was just a means to an end - but I am still gutted I lost my place in the London Marathon and now I won't ever get an opportunity to complete it. But that's small fry considering what I could be facing now! I am allowed to cycle and swim (not breaststroke) but have to take it easy. As of yet I still haven't done anything as tbh I am a little scared of jarring my back again. Maybe I need some help

siholog: lol
I will get back into it, and soon. But not today hehe
As for the plan, well I have only been back on it properly since last Wednesday. I weighed in Tuesday night at 16st 13½lb - I have absolutely no idea where that extra weight could have come from ... :hmm: ...

:17729: ... Oh I think I remember now :whoopass:
At my lowest weight I was 15st 1½lb so I have obviously put on a fair amount, and though there were outside factors it is only my own fault for letting that happen. But I'm not beating myself up about it ... I can't just go back to that weight overnight by moaning so I am doing the next best thing ... getting right back on plan and staying there! :happy096:
Ironically, a few weeks back I won the group's man of the year award - again

- I say ironically as I was actually pretty much exactly the same weight I had been a year earlier

But I'm not complaining as I have a lovely display of SW related trophies on display now in my house
I worked out my work shifts a few months in advance, did a little swapping around with my colleagues, and have freed myself up for all my Tuesday evenings. I bought a 12 week countdown and I intend to stay on plan 100% for the duration of that, hopefully by the end I'll be closer to the weight I had previously got down to
Funcurls, are you still getting on with your Kindle? LOADS of people use them on my trains!
Derbynanny (Teresa), how's it going? I've only just come back to Minimins and wanted to catch my diary up while I had time but I shall be catching up on everything including your diary if you still do it. Hope all is well and better again x
BaysideJ - new group? NEW GROUP? have you defected? lol. They do say a change is as good as a rest. Hope all is going well and you're back in the zone again x
ChelseaLou thanks for the message, you're welcome to pop by anytime you like! I promise (took me ages typing that with my fingers crossed

) to keep my diary more up to date from now on. Good luck
Lonestitcher, did I include enough smilies for you? How's things? x
Saddlebags, you're quite right that when I was laid up I had plenty of time to post with no excuses. But when I was laid up I wasn't on plan :d'oh: Now I'm back at work I have very little time to update my diary but I am on plan so I promise to do my best :fingerscrossed:
klmcm80 - you need to work on your username

even though I have been on (and off!) SW since September 2009 I still don't understand how it can work. But I KNOW that it does! It can take a while to fully get into the plans and learn all the details but I promise it is worth making the effort. Best thing I ever did was join my SW group.

It's good to be back
