Hi all
Last night's exercise went well - I did 50 mins on the Wii Fit and a little longer on My Fitness Coach Cardio Workout, and felt far fitter afterward as opposed to the aching sweaty wreck I was the previous time lol. This evening I plan to do the same on the Wii fit, but go up to intermediate on the other one.
Been a good day today, went to the shops with the wife and boys. Alison got herself some boots, and my youngest got his double ended light sabre. And nothing else! He still has over £50 left, but wanted to wait until another day. HAHA good for him, money has always burnt a hole in my pocket but it seems he isn't afflicted with the same problem

My eldest got his recorder, and he too didn't want to spend his £5 on anything else, instead keeping it for another day. May have to do some paternity tests!!
We had lasagne for dinner, using Quorn instead of mince. We used the Dolmio sauces instead of going for something more SW friendly, but then the syns are there to be used so we did lol. Very yummy it was too.
As I've had so much time on my hands today, I've just finished planning NEXT WEEK's menu!! How's that for organised eh?
We will be having, in no particular order as of yet:
> mushroom & pea risotto
> balti Quorn stir fry
> Quorn & pasta bake
> spicy Quorn madras curry (korma for the wife and boys)
> bubble & squeak cakes with eggs and beans
> Quorn family roast with roast tatas and veg, yorkshires, gravy
> sweet potato hash with baked eggs
And on top of all that, we are going to try and make up/squeeze in hash browns / tortilla squares / couple of soups (coriander & sweetcorn and minestrone)
My mouth is already watering, and I haven't even finished eating this week's food yet haha.
Hope you've all had a great weekend, sad that it is nearly over. For me it's not so bad as I still have another 6 days off work woohoo!!
Our weigh ins are coming around again, I hope the SW Gods are smiling on us. My weight hasn't really budged yet this week. I'm not too bothered to be honest - staying the same would actually be ok - I have muscles on muscles that I didn't know I had, my clothes are all getting looser, and I am feeling much fitter and far more full of energy than ever before, so if I have to put up with a bad weigh in then so be it as I know everything is going very much to plan
Of course, it is only Sunday still, and I don't weigh until Wednesday this week, so my fingers are still crossed lol
Dave ♥