Hi all I'm back. Excellent weigh in as I lost 5.5lbs WooooHooooo!!
Would have been the slimmer of the week but didn't count as it was my first weigh in - I'll get it next week instead lol
Aaleigha I have no idea if knee supports will help you tbh but I know I would give them a go, fingers crossed it does
tfmd - if you have synned the lunch correctly as you said then you have nothing to feel bad about!! You are folowing the rules of the diet, there is nothing to say you can't have a 'treat' especially when you are doing it within the rules anyway

Even if you went over today's syns I see no problem with you kinda averaging over a couple/few days or just ensuring you stay within your weekly target - may not be a good plan on a regular basis but the fact you seem to feel guilty when you didn't need to suggests you are very focused on your diet and are going to succeed
Ossireo, thanks for your lovely comments and you are more than welcome here to post anything you like, or just to get something off your chest (Maybe I could be an agony uncle lol), anytime you like
Food today - brekky and lunch were the same as I have been having; Dinner was ham omelette with baked beans and corn on the cob. I have used no syns today which isn't good so I am gonna have a HiFi bar later, and maybe a Mullerlight too just because they're scrummy
My wife has never cooked omelette before, and I have hardly cooked anything ever before, so it was the blind leading the blind but we pretty much followed the instructions kindly sent to us by a friend and WOW they were yummy lol. Definitely one to have again
I picked up the current SW magazine tonight, as well as ordering a few books which I will be able to collect next week. And I grabbed a pack of mint HiFi bars, and also a pack of the new 40th birthday celebration flapjacks with cranberries (there were chunks of one of these there to try and take my word for it they are GORGEOUS haha)
gonna have a night off the Wii fit tonight as I had a late dinner, and because I cycled earlier too.
OMG I have to wait a whole week before I can go back to weigh in again!! I really enjoy the meetings, and think that going regularly and staying for the entire thing will definitely help me stick to my plans