Hi all, thanks for the continued support it really is appreciated :grouphugg:
I give myself 8/10 for my efforts over that weekend ...
The Friday at Pizza Hut went VERY well! Unfortunately the Pizza Hut listings in my syn book didn't match the menu that their website had, so I had to use the nutritional data on their site and the syn calculator on the SW website to work out my best options. Took flipping ages! But I came out with several options varying in syns that I could have at the restaurant, including:
alfredo pollo - 6 syns
arrabiata chicken - 8.5 syns
tagliatelle alla carbonara - 15.5 syns
penne al pollo mazzarella - 19 syns
lasagna al forno - 21 syns
I had used only 2 syns prior to that on the day so had 13 syns to play with, so if I couldn't have one of the lower options I would have to flexisyn - but that's fine and much better than just coming off plan in a place like that!
On arrival I checked their menu, and spoke to one of the waitresses to see if everything was available. That's when I got the hump:cry:
It would seem that they have YET ANOTHER menu, one which isn't even online yet!! So I was stranded in Pizza Hut and all my planning had been wasted.
Or so I thought ... on closer inspection one of the meals I had worked out syn values for had remained on their new menu - the penne al pollo mozzarella. So that's what I had
OK so it took me over my syns for the day, but it was by far the best option available to me.
I avoided a starter despite EVERYONE else there having one, and also avoided a dessert of ANY kind (of course, the 6 nearest people around me ALL had the cookie dough GRRRRR). I won't pretend that I particularly enjoyed missing out nor being the only one to not have starter or dessert but I felt very proud of myself for having done so.
I had only Pepsi Max while there, and when we got back to the pub afterward I stuck to diet coke.
All in all, a SUPERB night's work!!
The following day we had a dinner party at a friend's house. This time I didn't have the luxury of a menu to choose from as such nor or being able to work out the syns. Plus I would be drinking that night.
I had a mushroom soup for starter (later to find out it was made with double cream!!) and then chicken filled with Philly and garlic/herbs wrapped with Parma ham and served with vegetables. It could have been a lot worse.
Then it got worse ...
MUCH worse ...
Out came the desserts. I had planned on going without, but in a moment of weakness I helped myself to a large piece of roulade ... and then another piece ... and then another! I dunno what came over me. OK so it was heavenly but that is no excuse.
I also drank that night, but as planned stuck to shorts, Morgan's spiced rum with diet coke topped right up so they lasted longer.
Not my finest hour that night, and it's a shame because I didn't need any dessert let alone 3 large helpings of it!!
Moving on swiftly though ...
on the Sunday we went to my aunt's for her 40th birthday - an all day buffet
There was A LOT of food, very little of it associated with staying on plan.
I decided to have chilli with rice. I have no idea how many syns would have been in it (the rice, none of course) but it seemed the safest option. There was a lot of veg in the chilli, and even though it wasn't likely to be extra lean beef mince used it was far better for me on EE than any of the other options there. I ended up having two portions, but other than brekky (HEa and HEb) prior to going there I didn't have anything else the whole day so I may not be able to account exact for my syns that day I imagine I was withing my daily amount, and I certainly managed to avoid eating loads of tasty but naughty things.
Overall I'm quite pleased with how it went, and certainly the Friday and Sunday could have easily ended up proverbial train wrecks so very happy
I continued to jog or visit the gym most days too throughout the week.
All my efforts paid off as Tuesday I lost 2.5lb!!
Tuesday night I decided I was due a treat ... and ended up going again back to my old bingeing ways - OMG I ate so much crap :sigh:
Of course, the scales miss nothing and the following day I was 2lb heavier on the scales at home. It is now Saturday and despite being on plan and exercising (including a 33 mile bike ride Thursday!!) I am still heavier than I was last Tuesday morning.
I used to be able to have a Tuesday treat and any weight gained would just come right off the next couple of days but as I get closer and closer to target every pound is getting harder and harder to drop. I either need to stop my treat nights entirely or scale them back to normal human amounts and stop being such a goddam piggy!
At the time of writing this I am still 1lb heavier than the morning of my last weigh in, but I still have the best part of 4 days to go so gonna stick to plan 100%, and make sure I get plenty of exercise in too.
My usual run takes me on a 6 mile course, but with the marathon being only 2 months away now I really need to start pushing myself further and getting used to running further. With that in mind after work today (yep I'm writing this while at work hehe) I'm going to attempt my usual running twice. I intend to get round it once at my usual pace, then just carry on as long as I can running. If need be I will then drop to a walk then jog/walk/jog/etc as necessary to get round it. I reckon if I do that every other day I should be able to jog it entirely within a week or two. That will still only be 12 miles (only? lol) and the marathon is over double that, so I will then need to add another lap and finally another at some point. One step at a time though eh?
I'll be back again soon with another update, I hope you're all in the zone and managing to stay focused and enjoying watching those pesky pounds fall off.