Hi Hil, that dinner sounded fab! I haven't eaten out nor had takeaway since I started SW. I know we are free to have literally anything on SW if you plan accordingly but I always seem to fall off a diet after an indian or chinese so I am giving them a wide berth for now!
I've tried the Yoga on the Wii fit and really struggled, I fell over a few times and had to support myself by leaning on things the rest! Not really my cup of tea you could say

I love the games on there like skiing and football heading and similar, but when I get on it as part of my diet/weight loss efforts I only ever touch the cardio vascular ones - jogging, step, boxing, etc. I have heard there is a Wii fit 2 coming out so I look forward to seeing what is different.
I'm just back from a trip over to the Isle of Sheppey to drop off a couple of things at my Uncle's house, and popped into Holland & Barrett (we don't have one where I live). I am now the proud owner of some Vecon lol. Add that to my cous cous I picked up the other day and I am only some scan bran away from being a proper SWite LMAO.
Now I just gotta work out what to do with them!
I had a very filling salad for my lunch: savoury rice, boiled egg, cucumber, lettuce, beetroot, corn on the cob (all free), added some salad cream (1.5 syns), couple of Ryvita (HEb) and 2 Dairylea triangles (HEa) which I put on them. YUM! Having my friend Marie over for lunch tomorrow and I shall be having more of the same.
Dinner this evening is going to be shepherds pie (Quorn) served with peas, carrots, sweetcorn, like last week, as we all enjoyed it so much.
I plan to Wii fit again this evening once everyone else has gone to bed, and thinking about branching out and doing something else after my jog. Mind you, once I've finished the jog my legs are normally like jelly and I'm puffed out lol, so maybe not - we shall see!
Have a great day all, it's the weekend and a little harder to be strong I think but try to be good, and you'll be rewarded at weigh ins!!