Step 1 Sole Source Day 1 again, 6st off but 6st on !

Wow! Well done on your loss. 17lbs in 2 weeks is AMAZING!! You must be so chuffed. Are your clothes loose now? x
Wow! Well done on your loss. 17lbs in 2 weeks is AMAZING!! You must be so chuffed. Are your clothes loose now? x

Clothes are certainly more comfortable and people are noticing now which is fab. It's amazing how much can change in just 2 weeks :)

Another great 100% day yesterday and that will continue for just over 4 weeks until my 1st break so that will be 6 weeks SS 100%. Another stone off would be fab by then.
Last new year I was 14.2, to get to that by this NYE would be flipping great. I know I keep saying it but it's like a dream come true at the moment as I've tried a few times to get back into the zone and my head just hasn't been in the right place.

On a slightly different note not Cambridge connected and sorry in advance if its to much info but I've not had a smear for around 10 years :-(
I had one yesterday and the nurse has referred me straight to colposcopy as there was a small growth possibly just a polyp ( sp ) but I was bleeding and she wasn't happy with how it looked :-( my head is all over the place so if there is 1 thing that would have knocked me off plan it would have been that. My appointment should be here within a week to 10 days.
Anyone who hadn't been please go and get checked ! ! !

If I'm a bit quiet on here it's just because I'm pre occupied but I'm firmly 100 % and that won't waver :)
Oh dear poor you. Although it's no comfort now try and tell yourself that it'll be absolutely fine, these things generally are y'know. Promise!
Thanks girls,
I know it will 99% be ok but i cant help think the what if's and how stupid i have been for not going sooner.

It wont knock me ff track because regardless of what happens I still want to be slim. Obesity is linked to so many cancers that its reinforcing the need to be healthier.
I'm sure once I have my appointment and see the people at the hospital I will feel much much better.

Thanks again x
Ahh that is such stressful news, will be thinking of you :( hope it goes well and if it's a polyp then at least they can whip it out and that will be the end of it :) well done on keeping strong and 100% throughout xx
Aww hope you're ok Hun, my auntie had some polyps removed last year and she was fine so I'm sure it's nothing to worry about. Well done on an amazing loss so far xxx
oh angel totally rubbish as everyone else has said sure it ll be fine but until you get the confirmation its a horrible time. you look after yourself, the diet will be fine your so strong. sending you much healing vibes from the north
Thanks all, I'm trying to keep it business as usual but I'm not going to do any overtime the next few weeks :)

Still firmly on track with the plan but just want the next couple of weeks to fly by as I'm to busy to be pre occupied :-(

Hope everyone is still doing great. Will catch up later as should be quiet at work tonight x x x
Oh hun, I hope it's nothing and just a scare. In the mean time distract yourself with thoughts of how well you're doing and what you want to wear for New Years parties. Sending you good health vibes xx
Hello my love, I can relate to this totally. If you're anything like me your imagination can be your worst enemy; I personally can drive myself nuts on that "99% nothing to worry about" bs. I understand (mine is an ovarian growth, not a polyp) but it's all a huge worry. Here's two great things (a) you obviously live in an area with a relatively decent PCT (took me a YEAR and ugly hysterics to get to see gynae) (b) thanks to your hard work you are in MUCH better shape than you were two weeks ago and in 7 to 10 days you'll be even further along perfect for any healing options required!

Once again you have the right attitude - focus on the 100% SS, that you can control. Big hugs and kisses to you, stay strong and keep your PMA xxx
Well for once things have went my way. I got to work and someone has resumed from the sick so I'm now back at home until my normal shift tomorrow :)

Thanks for all of your kind words, I will of course let you all know how I get on x
Just getting ready for TOWIE ( that's my street cred out of the window lol )

Only 55 days until my big NYE afternoon / night and I have to confess I love the glam ness of some of the Essex girls ( not the tango tans or fake boobs lol )

Anyway it's my guilty pleasure, I even bought a fab Gemma Collins dress in the summer for a wedding and it seriously was a great shape for the larger figure. I got loads of compliments in it. It's one of my only big things I'm going to be gutted about !

Can't wait to feel super sexy again in my heels and skinny jeans !

No reason for my post other than a slight ramble lol
Oooooops pleased I'm not the only one :) we all have our naughty side lol

I'm now onto master chef the professionals, I must be weird but I still enjoy cooking whilst on Cambridge, it kind of makes me even stronger :)