Silver Member
Well done on 4lbs loss!! Bravo
You've already done fabulously well on track, looking forward to your New Years Eve goal being surpassed! x
You still look just as gorgeous now! Another 100% day today for us both honey! We can do this! I'm aiming for 4lbs this week & after jumping on the scale i'm down by a pound. Still 5 days to go! xoxo
Hiya love, I would stick to just walking for a bit, one of my friends is a trainer and he said the same as Greta re strain on joints, the last thing you want is to get injured and stop yourself from even being able to go out walking. You're doing fab as it is so just carry on doing what your doing for a bit longer xJust a quick question for anyone who joggs ?
I'm Wanting to start and am wondering if the kcal burned is much better than walking or if I'm best to stick with just the walking ?
I'm seriously thinking if doing a 5 k run to see how I get on, it's JUST over 3 mile which is nothing compared to my mammoth walks but am interested to see if the extra effort is worth it ?
Hope that makes sense x
Hi Angel,just checking in to see how you're doing. I remember that photo of you in the skinny jeans and white top from last year-you were an inspiration then and to get back on the Cambridge diet the way you have done it this're even more of an inspiration now.It takes so much to get your head in the right place to do these diets so well done and keep going!!! Hope you have that photo enlarged on the fridge to stop all temptations-I'd nearly use yours on my fridge???
Ooh mulberry! I'm a big fan and have two antonys and a dario. Funds don't stretch to any moreSent from my C6903 using mobile app