Evening all,
Thanks as always for the lovely comments.
Shopping was fab, " few " Christmas bits & some more prezzies bought
A full 7 hours shopping = bliss.
Due to our redecoration I've bought a new Xmas tree, a black one. Ours is usually green with gold & cream quite traditional but the black one will fit in better so have been buying new silver decorations and making bow's as I couldn't find any :-(
Kept me busy this evening hence not posting until now

hubby doesn't know as he loves our tree, I put it up alone and now can't wait for 28th so I can get it done lol.
Also pencilled in my wrapping day. Generally takes me around 6 hours, 13 / 14 dec so still time to get a few more gifts lol.
TOTM arrived at last earlier this evening ( only 3 days late this month ) managed another day without a bar

lots of water and my usual shakes.
Off work again tomorrow so shall catch up then as I'm shattered. Hope everyone has had a good day x x x
Edited as I forgot to say I bought a new Xmas jumper in HM ( not in the plus size but the normal part of the shop )
Not the best picture but its a lovely soft woollen one and the txt is much more bling . . . . . .
Santa, I want it all
Just about sums me up lol, the M was a snug fit although it may be ok in a few weeks I opted for the large, mega happy as i only went in with daughter as she was wanting something