Almost 2 litres of water down, will have my 1st product of the day soon then think about getting ready for work.
My shift today is 3 to 23.30 so I will have a ready shake before I leave then one when I get to work followed by my bar around 7pm . . . . .
I find water easy at work as we have unlimited bottled water ( 330ml bottles ) which are very easy to drink, my main issue is getting to and from work with no WC as I don't drive I use public transport and there are no facilities but once I'm there I'm fine
I know I shouldn't weigh everyday and I know I will not drop everyday but oh my lord I can't wait to see the back of the dreaded 13.8 but this is my week and I'm going to smash it.
Without being to open I've bought some fab new underwear for my weekend away with hubby for valentines and I'm itching to feel better and better about myself again. I know the number on the scales shouldn't matter it's the sticking to plan which matters BUT its such a psychological thing, if the numbers drop we feel better, I'm so desperate to see those 12's but at the same time as trying to stay positive I'm also telling myself if I get close as I can whilst sticking to plan 100% then that's all that matters. It's so important not to build myself up for a fall but its so hard not to aim for the stars . . .
I'm waffling, I always do this when in the zone as my mind is all diet diet diet, planning, planning & planning !
I'm having a big Ebay clear out on Thur as I do have quite a bit stuff which is now far to big and most of it has hardly been worn, I bought dresses for our cruise last summer which I wore once and some which I didn't wear at all. Every little helps so will put them all on and pray to god I can manage this slime not to put the weight back on once I get to goal. That's not me being negative I'm just so worried after last time but I think my approach this time is completely different. I've had way more off plan days this time and I do think the key to success for me is knowing I can have a " naughty " day or two so long as I get back on track pretty fast then it's ok.
I've read a few things over the years but a few that stick in my mind are . . . .
If you go into the red at the bank you would stop spending, a bit like being on plan or trying to maintain, if your naughty pull it back and get yourself back in the black.
If you get a puncture you wouldn't slash your other three tyres.
Lots of these type of things around but so very true, we do often self sabotage but not this time ladies I'm staying well and truly in The Zone.
By the weekend that dreaded 13.8 will be a thing of the past.
I'm not going to post my weight on here until Sat which is a week since my last weigh in with CDC ( 13.13 ) My only issue is TOTM is due on Sunday but I'm still confident of a nice drop regardless.
Right that's enough I've waffled far to much, have a great day one and all