Step 1 Sole Source Day 1 again, 6st off but 6st on !

Awh Kat hope you grand daughter is ok? Being so far away and hearing that kind of news is awful and I'd have turned to food in that state of stress too. Sadly it's a coping mechanism many of use and it's almost automatic. It's done and you'll not let that tiny blip stop you reaching the 12's this week I'm sure.
Thanks kira . . . . Blooming kids, she's out, so as it often is a lot of worry over nothing but far better to be safe than sorry. On the plus side I managed just short of 8 miles, image-1511321661.jpg Will do more tomorrow image-2087050555.jpg Fingers crossed it counteracts last nights naughty blip. Just getting my fluid / water & tea in as I'm a bit behind as I didn't want to drink to much while I was out and about, at work later and some blooming demonstrations in Newcastle today so no time for pre work shopping which I had planned. Not a lot else to report. I am we'll and truly out of ketosis but thankfully I don't struggle to much getting back in, I think I'm used to being in and out that I just kind of get on with it, very much mind over matter I just wish I could keep strong when emotions get in the way :) Hope your all doing well, off to catch up with you all ;-)
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So I managed yesterday 100% SS and completed another 2 mile walk , 1.5 miles whilst on a break at work and just around 1.75 miles getting home last night so I m pretty pleased with that. Scales at 13.2 this morning which is far better than it was after my blip but still not in the 12's, completely my own stupid fault but like I keep saying I'm here for the long haul. Best friend messaged me last night in a bit if a pickle about life after CWP, she sees how easy the scales move up and is now thinking about what her best options would be :) We all know this is the easy part, it's the keeping it off which is the hard bit :-( Anyway nice lazy Sunday for me, no walk as my youngest daughter is popping round with her little boy and I've got lots of plotting and planning to do for trips away which are booked. I have my water, tea & products ready for the day :) image-3389641440.jpg Hope everyone is being good and having a successful weekend :)


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Glad your granddaughter is ok Kat that's good news.

great on the walking and I think the 13.2 on the scale is super after a blip. I wouldn't be surprised if the scales show 12's by Tuesday. Love your focus and you're planning:)
great that the wee one is ok and your back on track. the dress is lookin fantastic, quite a diff even from last set of photos gettin some blinkin magic changes to your shape. you just seem to be in a great mind set this time round. your on it like a car bonnet to coin a phrase:) i think one of the keys to maintaince is vigilance. there will always be fluctuations in our weight but keeping it reigned in at about 3 to 4 pounds is def manageable, holidays weight gain being the exception to the rule. as long as we find out what works for ourselves. coming up the steps be it by the book or in our own fashion has been really useful as im starting to get a clearer picture of what my body needs to lose,gain or maintain, now all i have to do is keep to the programme forever!
Thanks ladies,

Another 100% day ( only day 2 again lol )

Just over 4 litre of water,
1x bar,
1x shake &
1x mushroom risotto :)

My next off plan days are 2 weeks away, a days drinking & food in Edinburgh on the Sat followed by a naughty Mother's Day meal on the Sunday,

I then have a mini break with my best friend and would live to be 12.7 by the time we go away in 21 days, this goal is allowing for the two off plan days !
Praying to see the lovely number 12 soon and I know it's only myself who can get me there,
5 weeks tomorrow for our Dominican holiday and the E ticket just popped into my inbox. So another great motivator to keep me on track ( all being well )
I'm sure we would all agree it's habit more than anything which makes me want to pop to the kitchen & eat rather than hunger,
I must remind myself as we all must that this is our choice. I could of course continue to eat and not be where I want to be or I can be good and drop the lb's ! ! !
It's a no brainer when I think of it like that :)

After today I have 13 days running at work ( my longest stretch for months ) but needs must my son is 18 this year, my daughter is due the newest edition in June, I have 2 holidays etc etc I just hope being at work will help keep me on track :)

Hope everyone has had a fab weekend, here's to seeing the magic 12 's soon x x x
So exciting! I'm sure you'll hit the 12's by tomorrow if not very close today! You never stop and in surpried you need to lose anything as you're always on the go!

Its amazing how how you started around end of October and 4st gone! A stone a month! Wow! It works and you're right we think we're hungry out of habit more than anything else or the habit of comforting ourselves woth the soporific effects of carbs.

Have a a great day 3 and I'm sure ketosis will be here soon blasting you away into the 12's this week. X
Morning Kat,

Well - that was like a rollercoaster read! Perhaps I should log in over the weekends! Glad to hear the little one is ok - nothing worse than being far away and not able to do anything about it.

Well done on the weekend walking - i'm sure you'll have mitigated most of the gain with your saintly behaviour following.

I'm all over the place this week/weekend so i'm taking a break from tracking/logging/worrying and going to stick with making good choices and see where I end up....

Evening all,

Not long in from work. Another on plan day and I even went so far as to go shopping this morning . . . . . . . . . .


New trainers, ideal for walking and possibly jogging if I ever get around to it lol
The lady sold them to me by saying they had great support for walking, I never ever wear trainers but if I'm going to walk like I used to I need something with a bit extra support to help my joints and back.
Great bargain, £90 down to £62 then down to £43 but the offer ended today, thankfully I was 1st in the store and they hadn't time to change the price so honoured the £43 instead of £62. Almost midnight and officially only 5 weeks to my holiday, can't flipping wait :)

I've placed a order for a few bikinis and just hope I have the courage to wear them :) all high waisted to control my tummy which is my main concern.
Like most people the wrong side of 40 I look better in clothes than without lol.
Thankfully hubby is always very very supportive and I know he would encourage me to wear them.

Not a lot else to report.

Here's to another good day tomorrow and praying still to see the elusive number 12 at some point this week x x
Love the trainers and a great price! I can see you ending a runner.... You really got into the walking last time and think will end up running!have a great day today!
Love the trainers and a great price! I can see you ending a runner.... You really got into the walking last time and think will end up running!have a great day today!

Thanks Kira, it's the lovely Flick who has inspired me to even think about " jogging "
I seriously did think about doing a short one last night after work but it was almost midnight so maybe not the best idea lol.
I have thought about it in the past and have always wondered if it's worth the extra effort to walking as I seriously enjoy my walking once I'm doing it but would like to hope I'm eventually the same with jogging.

The scales showing 13.1 this morning, those 12's are within smelling distance ! ! ! !
I need them by Thur which is a week since my last official WI.

I go away with best friend in a couple of weeks and have booked a Spa day in a golf spa hotel in Nairn ( we are staying in Inverness )
They have a outdoor hot tub overlooking the beach which looks stunning,
We will make use of the gym to undo some of the damage from the accompanied champaign lunch lol, If nothing else I will pound the treadmill etc and get use out of those new trainers.
We have 3 nights up there and a night in Edinburgh on our way home I've also booked a afternoon tea at the Carlton in Edinburgh. . . .
We will be doing lots of walking ( along with lots of eating & drinking ) all of this ahead of my holiday so literally every lb off now counts :)

Best friend knows nothing except the date we go away and the date we get back.

Here's to a fab Tuesday x x
Loving the trainers - much smarter than mine! Have a fab day. xx

I was typing as the same time as you.

Flick it's your fault lol, you made me go buy them that's what I told my hubby anyway !

Your dedication to the running and the great progress you have made in such a short period of time has well and truly inspired me to take the 1st step and buy the trainers lol.

God knows when I will use them but I do intend to x x x
That's fabby news Angel - glad i've inspired something! Once i'm running a full 5k, i'll be purchasing some new trainers, but i'm not allowed until then - it'll be a treat for me.

That's fabby news Angel - glad i've inspired something! Once i'm running a full 5k, i'll be purchasing some new trainers, but i'm not allowed until then - it'll be a treat for me.


Flick you will be doing 5k in no time :)

You seriously have embraced it, I just hope I'm as lucky as you and enjoy it once I start x x
Just a quickie as I'm almost ready for work I thought I would share a non scale victory. . . . .


My smallest work uniform is now far far to large !


This belt was " snug " at the start !

I just hope my new uniform arrives soon lol

Off I go with a spring in my step x x x
Morning all another " near " perfect day yesterday.

I'm trying in any way I can to be more active so have been taking the stairs at the metro and getting into the office before I start work etc . . . . .


Climbed the stairs yesterday ( the lift wasn't even out of order lol )


Walk into the " office " to come face to face with blooming trays upon trays of cupcakes ! ! !

The past few days we have had " virgin " chocolates in abundance, this is due to a take over at work and re branding etc . . .

That topped with the 1st class comps made it a picky day :-(
Nothing major and certainly no cupcake or bread but nibbling on a few things which I perceive as " safe "
I need to stop the picking, I've told my staff to remind me of the old saying, little puckers wear big knickers, to which they asked should they just shout " hoy lard arse " lol good job I don't have a backside to get paranoid about and a good job I lobe them and know they were joking but I'm very aware I shouldn't pick !

I so want to see the magic 12 and I know it's only me slowing it down but Thursday tomorrow so I'm praying they appear by then as they still haven't this morning.

9 more days at work before a day off so that's 9 days before my day in Edinburgh and I need NEED NEED a nice drop so I can relax a little or I will end up resenting going out. :-(

Here's to a 100% day without picking, I know I can do it and I will ! ! !

Hope your all doing ok x x
Still no magic 12's. . . . .

I have to confess to picking at things, something which I don't usually do :-(

Evenings are my downfall so brace yourselves. . .


I have my " jogging " stuff ready and after a 9 hour shift to London and back ( home around 23hr ) I'm going to go for a jog !

Hubby is not best happy but we've lived here forever, it's a safe-ish place and just the same as walking home if I ever get the last metro after work.
I'm praying its the boost I need as I'm happy to do it in the dark and would live to think I will build upon it.

I must be mad ( not that I don't feel safe ) but for doing it then as opposed to before work.

I'm also thinking of joining the gym again.

I've placed a order for 3 x bargain high waisted bikini's for my holiday ( just over 4 weeks ) needs must lol


High waisted is a must lol

I feel I'm going into panic / self destruct mode because of the holiday getting so close and because I've messed about so much I'm still a fair bit off goal. I do keep reminding myself I'm still 4 st lighter but I'm on the edge at the moment and need to reign myself back in.

Wish my luck ladies. It's going to be a long long day :)