Morning all, major slip ups so the scales told me to get off this morning.
I seriously think it's a panic with the holiday getting closer.
My day in Edinburgh this weekend then 5 days away with best friend before the end if the month, it's like my brain knows I'm going to gain so thinking
" what the hell , your gain to gain so what's the point "
I need to counteract that with yes I will have a gain but I'm in control and at the moment I'm not :-(
I know I will pull it back, I know it's a mixture of PMT,
emotions ( I hate Mother's Day since my mum passed away )
stress, I'm working lots of overtime due to being off so much last year I'm chasing my tail paying bills etc
None if those MAKE me eat food though I know only I make that decision but it's always in the heat of the moment and the worst part is I don't stop when I'm full :-(
I only stop once I've eaten everything I've desired 9 times out of 10 I don't even enjoy it :-(
I'm going to have a reflective day today and try to get my head back in the game.
I start work at 17hr and will be home by 3am so a later shift out of my comfort zone but needs must.
Hope your all doing better than I am, fingers crossed today goes my way