Ladies ladies ladies, too excited to sleep, I only have 2 shifts ( in the office ) then 7 days off
Tree up Friday ( pictures will follow )
Wrapping Sat
Sunday haircut ( friend is a hairdresser and comes to my house )
Monday = Amsterdam with the hubby
Oh and did I mention my oldest daughter has a scan tomorrow . . . . . . I'm going to be a granny AGAIN lol they already have 2 girls so are super excited as am I. I've been there for all 3 being born as my other daughter has a little boy. The new addition should be due around mid June but we will find out for sure tomorrow. It's my mission to be slim on the baby photos lol.
I've been surfing the net this evening for clothes ( nothing new there ) small orders placed for a couple of " bits " but I have my eye on a few nicer things for the Xmas period . . . . . Not sure on sizes so will hold off a little while and maybe try them 1st.
It's amazing how fast the drops come, everything is suddenly feeling a whole lot bigger and I love it
A few more people mentioned my changing shape at work today which is always a boost,
Another 100% SS day today all be it the products were late in the day but I did survive lol, the good thing about being in ketosis is obviously there is no hunger so it didn't really bother me.
Hope everyone has had a great day, x x x
Ps I took some photos a week in and again today, they are bikini / underwear pictures, not too revealing but I'm not sure I'm brave enough to post but the difference is flipping fab

just had to share even if I don't post the pics x x