Hi all. Hope you don't mind me gate crashing your thread. Just wanted to say you are all inspirational, and have given me a bit of a boost this afternoonI'm on Day 4 and finding today a bit of struggle, especially as I have 1 husband and 5 children all sat around eating weekend goodies
Liverpool losing 1-0 cos of own goal and city winning 2-0 so think it's a given for city now lol. Buffets are the absolute devil for sure and a major weakness. She does samosas pakora and bahji with dips then warm pasta bakes with loads of cheese on and cheese n onion pie and homemade pizzas. U can tell she doesn't work at the moment she has too much time on her hands lol although she does have 3 kids so that's a bit unfair of me to say lol. Think she will go back part time at some point as it's their own practise she can do lucky thing. Jay said he feels bad leaving me to go and stuff himself lol I could see in his eyes he was praying I wouldn't say 'stay with me don't go' haha. He will just get up early tomorrow and run 10k to burn it off lucky thing Have u been looking online for new dresses? Xx
Thanks AutumnLuckily they are eating Oreo and I think I'm the only person on the planet who doesn't like them
I've been doing lots of surfing around the internet for success stories and joining this forum, so I'm not feeling too bad. xx
ThanksI'm quite looking forward to my first official weigh in, although I have had a sneaky stand on the scales...xx
The sneaky scales say 4 and half off already, very happy with thatI'm on Sole Source, but realistically I'm not sure I can keep that up for 12 weeks. But I'm motivated and determined so you never know. I noticed that you are a doctor and there is also a paramedic on the board, I'm a nurse
Hello ladies,, Right Autumn I've got your horse!! Send me some cheap cd products n I'll parcel force him up to you lol!! Buffets are naughty!!! There's no way you can behave with those around n that food sounds delicious!!! Well done you for staying away!! Hello hothmog -- please join us!! 4.5 is a good loss when do you get weighed??
Didn't Morgan Spurlock go in to renal failure at the end of it? I saw it ages ago and I seem to recall he was quite unwell at the endx