Day 1 tomorrow

Wow I disappear for a few hours and have loads to read up on on the feed first haha.
Ok so new sofa will be coming through window yeah :)
I'm going to Cornwall on July 26th but I will be 100% until then as I will be step 3 on hols in Greece.
Lizz my cdc said if u are planning to drink jacket spud and beans is the way forward hope that helps.
Well I've had 3.25 litres and one shake so far. Going to have another shake shortly then may have rice pudding later on. Head still feels wrong and fuzzy but have been post office and see my dad, all downstairs is clean and laundry done 3 lots. Now need to put fresh bedding on. It's a super king tho and fills me with dread each week. Have been taking my time and having lots of rest. Main thing is I've not been sick or loo again thank god xxx
I'm going to Devon on July 26th so definitely a good aim!!!

Well done you Autumn u r doing great!! It's really not easy when you already feel yucky!! But your doing it and that's fab!!!

I absolutely hate changing the bed!! It's the worst job in the world!!! I would rather do 5 hours worth of ironing lol!! The sheet and pillows are fine it's the quilt cover - urghhh it's evil!! xx
I'm going to Devon on July 26th so definitely a good aim!!! Well done you Autumn u r doing great!! It's really not easy when you already feel yucky!! But your doing it and that's fab!!! I absolutely hate changing the bed!! It's the worst job in the world!!! I would rather do 5 hours worth of ironing lol!! The sheet and pillows are fine it's the quilt cover - urghhh it's evil!! xx

Oh we are next door in Cornwall same day how spooky lol.
Yes it's the quilt cover that I hate especially this size blurgh evil indeed x
Good luck Lizz I can't wait to hear ur results!! I only pay £10 this girl in town has just started her own business - so it's all introductory offers but she's really good!! I had a car accident last sept and get quite stiff n sore on my right side and I swear she makes it so much better!! Lol I'm the same Im coming off on Sunday and we are going for a meal at an Indian on Sunday night as my daughter is away with the school from Friday to Sunday / so we'll go straight there once we have picked her up n I can't wait!!!! - that's gonna be my treat and then the plan is to be good and stick to SW principles when I'm away!! Need to try n figure how to use my phone abroad so that I can keep in touch with you and Autumn and you can tell me off if needs be lol xx

5lbs and 3.5" off this week :) happy with that!

OMG hun!! Were you badly injured at the time?

Oh I can't even see me sticking to any principles on the wedding day, but then it's only 1 day. You taking products with you?

It should automatically transfer to the local provider! You just need to connect to wifi as much as possible and be careful of roaming charges! :) we will keep you on track hun xx

Current loss: 17lbs and 12 inches
Bloody hell can't believe how many inches you lost. What does she measure? I'm miles bigger than you and lost similar amount of weight but nowhere near the inches. Mine does arm thigh chest tummy (round belly button) hips
You're doing really well and one day is one day bit easier than a holiday. I will be checking in all time in Greece as got free wifi xx
Wow well done Lizz!! Fab results!!! Especially inch wise aswell!!!!

No thankfully we were all ok despite it being quite a nasty accident -had the kids in the car and my friend her son aswell!! we were heading back from swimming in oxford and needed to turn right when an off duty policeman run a red light and hit the side of my car at 60mph!! As you can imagine my car was written off but we all escaped with minor injuries just some whiplash and the kids had a fair bit of bruising!! It was more the emotional side because it scared the kids so much esp with airbags deploying and then all the emergency services attending I cudnt open the rear door as it was so smashed in to get my baby out which was just so scary as he was screaming but we are all good now that's the main thing!!

I think three do an internet pass where you pay up front so will give them a call tomorrow - nope not taking any products I have trouble sticking to the weight limit for my suitcase as it is :) x
Thanks both :) she measures waist, hips, bust, thigh and arm. I think it's 4.5" off my waist, 3.5" off my boobs, 2.5" off the ass....those are the only ones I can remember lol

That's so cool you're both away in the same neck of the woods at the same time.

Tink that accident sounds awful :( can you have a weekly massage? ;)

How you feeling now autumn? And more window popping?? Madness lol

What are you both up to this evening?

Current loss: 17lbs and 12 inches
Haha window popping.
I want your inch losses NOW haha.
My head still hurts but I'm ploughing on.
Need to have a shake actually only had one so far.
Tonight I'm watching emmerdale then catching up on MIC and revenge lol.
Not sure if I can be bothered changing the sheets now at this time haha xx
Oh it's bank holiday this weekend isn't it aghhh I'm on call again and on all weekend as we do it every 3 weeks I've been shafted with both bank hols this month grrr.
Just having second shake now with a bit less water and it's nice and thick xx
Glad you're having a chilled evening hun! I'm watching catfish and it's hilarious! The joys of internet dating! I've met some right weirdos in my time!

Oh, and I've just been told that because last week I only lost 1lb that this diet doesn't work. Even though I've lost 22lbs and 15.5"!!! Morons never listen

Current loss: 22lbs and 15.5 inches
Lizzzzz for the love of god this is my third reply now and it won't post. Can you see this? Xx
Our results today Lizz prove this diet does work!!! So ignore whoever made that comment!! I've have nothing exciting going on this evening -- just washing and ironing!! xx
I can see your messages Autumn!!!
Can you see all three I wrote about negativity and jealousy? Xx
Damn it.
I basically wrote twice how people usually only say negative things when they're jealous xx
Damn it. I basically wrote twice how people usually only say negative things when they're jealous xx

Haha autumn you really were having issues there lol

Yeah it's a bloke who said it though...a bloke who has the worst diet ever and things because super noodles are low cal that they are good for him! Moron lol

Current loss: 22lbs and 15.5 inches
Haha tell him horse poo is low in cals but would he eat that crap?
People say negative things as it makes them feel better about their horrific habits x
Haha tell him horse poo is low in cals but would he eat that crap?
People say negative things as it makes them feel better about their horrific habits x

Brilliant!!! Xx
I'm sweating like a piglet changing sheets at this time. Next week when I pull this stint please tell me off.
Off to bed with 3.25 litres plus 3 shakes in me so that's good yippee xx