Day 1 tomorrow

Are they celebrating anything or just having a night out?? I've downloaded the app n it's fab!! I've done the before n after photos of my just my face n I can't believe the difference!! x
Are they celebrating anything or just having a night out?? I've downloaded the app n it's fab!! I've done the before n after photos of my just my face n I can't believe the difference!! x

I did that but look the same cos of the way I take selfies. Made jay take a side on pic was foul mega extra chin/neck that was yesterday.
Well here's a story. They were going out with his dad cos he's home n joes mrs (they're little gurus birthday Tomoz) wasn't best pleased as it's a bug party etc. So when his parents got back here from Dubai his dad said oh no I want to chill n see a few friends. So they decided oh well we will go anyway. Fair enough. Except joe nd bet told his wife this extra bit of info n she was waffling on to me before about their dad n his he can't still be out at this time etc. N me not knowing how hadn't told her said 'what u on about he's not gone he said he wasn't days ago' so she went mad lol. Jay thinks it's hysterical n said well he should of told us all he'd nit says anything.
He will be in dog house tomorrow at the party n we will all be wetting ourselves.
Not sure if that even makes sense as it's funny then u know the people lol xx
Lol it definitely makes sense!!!! Ooops someone gonna pay tomorrow which won't be good esp if he's hung over!!! Do u get on well with joes wife? xx
Lol it definitely makes sense!!!! Ooops someone gonna pay tomorrow which won't be good esp if he's hung over!!! Do u get on well with joes wife? xx

Oh yeah we see em all time but with 3 kids aged 5,3 (tomorrow) and 1 I can understand why she'd want him on full form tomorrow lol. She's laughing but will make him pay because she can really lol. It's his oldest brother who doesn't live local we don't see much of who gets married in August. They're in 40's n quite materialistic n hate the nieces n nephews running wild at their house n stuff. Obviously they're not having children lol. He's not out tonight it's just jay and other two. This is the sister in law who has been feeding jay for me lately n always feeds everyone basically lol all parties n bbqs etc are at their place. Xx
Oh goodness I'm sure she does need him on the ball with three little kiddies and a birthday party to attend too!! Are they home yet?

I remember u mentioning her scrummy food!! xx
She sounds like hyacinth bucket! Lol

I hope they had a good night and it's worth the headache (literally) today with all those kids about lol

Quite annoyed with myself. I'm awake! And I don't have to be for another hour!!! All I can think about is wanting my cd products today and nothing else, it's a weird feeling having to force myself to eat something when after last night, I really don't want to.

What are you both up to today?xx

Current loss: 22lbs and 15.5 inches
Oh and I'm sorry for the TMI here....but trying to have a number 2 after last night? Worst pain ever! I'll have a couple of dulcalox tonight before bed so I'm not in pieces tomorrow!

Tink when you go to Germany, I'd advise for the first day or 2 you do the same hun

Current loss: 22lbs and 15.5 inches
God I had no problem toileting quite the opposite lol.
They got home about 2am and jay has snored all night so I'm shattered good job he doesn't snore like that usually as it wakes me up lol.
I'm iff to work now anyway see how appendix ladies are skiing and possibly remove one.
Lizz I think it's cos you've been so 100% that you are scared now which is normal. Remember Tink ears a meal each night anyway so her body will react better. Just relax n enjoy it for what it is. I think you will still lose this week cos I did n I ate loads.
So off to work I go then hopefully be finished for this party later on.
Lizz do u mean the older brothers fiancé sounds like mrs bucket or one whose hubby got wasted last night? Lol. The fiancé one is defo like her lol xx
God I had no problem toileting quite the opposite lol. They got home about 2am and jay has snored all night so I'm shattered good job he doesn't snore like that usually as it wakes me up lol. I'm iff to work now anyway see how appendix ladies are skiing and possibly remove one. Lizz I think it's cos you've been so 100% that you are scared now which is normal. Remember Tink ears a meal each night anyway so her body will react better. Just relax n enjoy it for what it is. I think you will still lose this week cos I did n I ate loads. So off to work I go then hopefully be finished for this party later on. Lizz do u mean the older brothers fiancé sounds like mrs bucket or one whose hubby got wasted last night? Lol. The fiancé one is defo like her lol xx

It was horrible! Had a tablet in preparation and now I'm farting lol

Ooooo more appendix! No babies today?

Ah that's true, I forget what plans everyone is on lol
I get weighed Tuesday so I have 2 days to correct. Monday will be tough though. I've already done my Pilates today though so I'm still determined.

The fiancé lol I don't like people like that

I have false nails, a bra and nude tights on right now haha so attractive

Current loss: 22lbs and 15.5 inches
Haha yeah they are up them selves were rest of us have been together socks we were 18/21 and are very chilled out. Well there's always babies in this place Lizz just most can be dealt with by midwives or registrar or other consultants. Looks like one woman is going home and one is having her appendix out. My registrar is very excited (it takes all sorts I guess lol)
That's how mine tarted I was fraying major felt like trapped wind at the wedding and then it came on later on lol.
Hope your putting more clothes on for the wedding lol xx
I don't normally have a product until mid day but omg feel weary n sick this morning and ketosis stix was the darkest colour possible so maybe that was it.
Just had a mint choc shake now done with hand blender feel a bit better now. God I need to not feel weak for the party food lol xx
Oh no I wonder what has made you feel like that hun? You having enough water? Too much coffee?

I hope I don't end up with the same hun. I'm farting loads so hopefully it'll just shift whatever it is that's there. I've had a couple of shortbread which is probably the worst thing to have considering I'm not great with wheat but oh well. I feel fatter today than I did 6 weeks ago! ?

I'm all ready and leaving in 20 so hope you both have a super day and I'll try check in when I can. I have to remember in taking the hit today and tomorrow I'll be back in my comfort zone xx

Current loss: 22lbs and 15.5 inches
Morning Lizz and Autumn!!

I'm sure I'll be fine Lizz I plan on sticking to mainly fruit n salad with some protein while I'm there so hopefully that'll help!!!

Hope your not coming down with anything Autumn!! You must ignore that party food!!

Sounds very attractive Lizz, not sure what look you are trying to achieve lol!!

Very happy as my daughter will be home this afternoon!! Will have a very pleased little boy aswell as he cudnt sleep last night kept asking for 'bean' (that's what he calls his sister) -- so out for dinner and then I'm sure I will have loads of washing to do as it's an outdoor activity holiday she's been on and I can imagine a suitcase full of wet muddy clothes!! Esp with the weather the last couple of days! xx
Have a great day Lizz enjoy yourself and just remember you will be back on track tomorrow and we will be here for you!! x
Lizz you will be fine I had shortbread last weekend too and I'm same with wheat so I feel your pain lol.
I'm having 4 litres a day and I don't drink tea or coffee anyway think ketones were just high this morning and made me feel weird. Am drinking the water now though xx
So as I am coming off later this evening I have done my weigh in for the last week (well it isn't quite a week it's tues -sun) and I've lost 4lbs!!!

That brings my total loss on cwp in just under 4 weeks to - 21lbs and for my journey in the last 6 weeks of SW and cwp I've lost 29lbs - just over the 2stone mark which I am so pleased with!! I know I can get to goal now!! Thank you both for helping me stay on track - the support from two is fab!!! x
So as I am coming off later this evening I have done my weigh in for the last week (well it isn't quite a week it's tues -sun) and I've lost 4lbs!!! That brings my total loss on cwp in just under 4 weeks to - 21lbs and for my journey in the last 6 weeks of SW and cwp I've lost 29lbs - just over the 2stone mark which I am so pleased with!! I know I can get to goal now!! Thank you both for helping me stay on track - the support from two is fab!!! x[/QUOTE

That's fab hun well done xxxx
Thank you!! What time are u finishing work today?? x
Hey well went I to theatre earlier and was in and out pretty quickly. Did post surgery work then straight to my nieces party. But weird as me and jay were only people with no children and I had a wobble a few times. Anyway helped sister in laws mum cut cake up and tidy up as 25 toddlers creates a lot of mess. That cake smelt so good it's unreal. How I didn't lock a finger or anything is beyond me I just sipped a litre of water. Now I'm good in front of other people just hope I can keep it together tonight now as have felt a bit upset and don't wanna eat cos of it tonight.
What time u off out hun? Xx
It's poop on here without you two :-(. Feel really weak mentally tonight. I've been thinking about nandos wraps with chips and garlic bread. Works out at 1500 calories which put me off. Going to focus on my nandos for a week on thurs instead.
Had my second product night have a rice pudding later to have a change from choc shakes
Watching the fringe on Netflix to help pass time xx