Day 1 tomorrow

Morning well the 3 amigos have become 4 I think Tigg is a great inspiration and she helped me not eat rubbish yesterday too.
So Lizzzzzzzzz sounds intriguing. If you had that much to drink hun it may be wise to go 3 products and an ss+ meal today to help you recover lol.
Tigg I go on June 6th think we will be away Same time and I plan to eat 2 products a day plus meal and fruit. We will be trying again for a family once I've shifted some pounds and feel brave enough to try. Bring healthy is a good starting point though you're right.
Tink you will prob be out of ketosis with all the rice but a good day today will help balance it out. One thing I've learnt this time round is that getting straight back on that wagon is key to success I plan to do step 2 the day I come home then back to step 1 the day after.
Well I really must go and wash my hair and get dressed for the day lol.

I just feel like I want to crack on and get to goal now!! Which is good for me normally I would see a break as an opportunity to eat everything I could in preparation to start again!! But this time I'm just not interested!! I just want to do cd xx
Come on Lizz we need the details lol!!! Hope your ok and not feeling too rough this morning xx
Come on Lizz we need the details lol!!! Hope your ok and not feeling too rough this morning xx

Being the only single gal there I was set up with a chap; who in my drunken wisdom I thought I'd have a little kissy with.....crap kisser so at 11 last night I was sat outside trying to teach him how to kiss and calling him nemo every time he did it 'wrong' haha I am a legend when I'm drunk!

The bride looked stunning. It was an amazing evening and I was very happy and humble to be there to share in it. I ate half the dinner, missed the buffet in the evening as I was out in the garden chatting, and then ate biscuits lol I drank my weight in booze and I'm suffering today but I have my water so I'm flushing it out! Also popped a couple of dulcalox to stop a repeat of yesterday morning.

How are the 4 amigos today? Xx

Current loss: 22lbs and 15.5 inches
OMG Lizz you sound epic on a night out lol.
I'm just starting on the water now and think my period is going to be here this afternoon which is good as CD has settled my cycle back down which I'm happy with.
Good news Pilates DVD arrived so I can do 11 days before I go whoop whoop just wish I had a kids portable DVD player to take it on holiday now haha. May try it out on laptop and take that or something if enough weight.
I was so angry and hostile to the world last night but those two bowls of green leaves with dressing on did the trick. Scales are exactly same this morning and ketosis stix dark purple yippee.
Lots of water and maybe an extra product today Lizz to help you through hun.
Tink I totally get you which is why I'm doing step 3 but I can we are not staying with relatives so I'm ok not as easy for you. Just focus on red days we and you will be ok xx
It was random that's ok for sure!

Yay we're all going to be Pilates buddies!! This makes me happy! I'm doing it tonight, can't function enough yet.

Yeah I think an extra product might be in order, you're right there. I feel very focused re SS, it's like yesterday didn't happen. I'm not hungry or needing food.

You have work today autumn? You going to try and start your Pilates today?

Current loss: 22lbs and 15.5 inches

That's me on the left before alcohol hit my system.

Current loss: 22lbs and 15.5 inches

And that's me on the right totally **** faced at 1am lol

Current loss: 22lbs and 15.5 inches
You are one pretty lady Lizz!! xx
You look stunning Lizz
Not work today off to jays friends apartment at the docks for a nosy in Liverpool then to the beach with the dogs as we don't have beaches nearby so may as well while we are here.
Then home later on to you up and do my DVD. I'm making jay his tea tonight whilst he's out running. Going to do a maggis so Juicy or whatever they're called these days so tender now I think lol xx
Sounds like a lovely day planned autumn! I've never been to Liverpool, actually I've been once and it was for work so nothing amazing.

Thanks both that's really kind of you to say. I don't look anything like that today! I'm in bed suffering haha!

Day '1' is fine though. Not hungry, not mentally wanting anything still either. Going to cook a big veggie pasta bake for Freya for this week but I'm not tempted!

That chicken thing should be good autumn. Don't those come in loads of different flavours too?

Tink, was it last night you had your curry?

Current loss: 22lbs and 15.5 inches
Hi Liverpool is quite nice but I dknt come here often myself really lol.
Yeah I got two a paprika and a garlic one I think. I'm not having any but it's easy enough to make and I don't feel tempted today to eat any of it.
Not had a product yet just glugging the water but have a tetra in my cool bag.
The vitamins should help your hangover I reckon dknt you? Xx
I'll have to try those when I'm on to SS+. They'd be a nice variation although some of the recipes I see floating about on a social media site look really good. Way more fun than just chicken and lettuce.

I'm the same, still glugging away on the water and wondering why today isn't harder.

That's a good point. Now I've had some sleep, I feel fine, but CD will fix me when I have my products. Looking forward to an early night and my peanut bar in bed

Current loss: 22lbs and 15.5 inches
I'll have to try those when I'm on to SS+. They'd be a nice variation although some of the recipes I see floating about on a social media site look really good. Way more fun than just chicken and lettuce. I'm the same, still glugging away on the water and wondering why today isn't harder. That's a good point. Now I've had some sleep, I feel fine, but CD will fix me when I have my products. Looking forward to an early night and my peanut bar in bed Current loss: 22lbs and 15.5 inches

I'm not sure what they have in them to be honest but I'm guessing oil to make them 'juicy or tender' will look wen I get home. Both dogs are caked in boggy mud from the beach my car (cos of course we didn't go in jays) stinks of rotten stinky yuck now.
On way back so will bath gem down In front garden I reckon.
You may feel it more tomorrow but by weds it will be like it never happened. Xx
No I don't think they are hun, I'm sure they are 'Cambridge friendly'. Hope they taste as nice as they sound.

Haha typical man making the woman's car dirty! Did you have fun?

I hope so, weigh in is tomorrow evening :( but I can accept the gain. I had fun, on it 100% now until the end of July and thankfully work will be mega busy tomorrow so I can keep distracted. I'm still not hungry so I'm finding it all rather odd.

Current loss: 22lbs and 15.5 inches
Afternoon amigos!!

Sounds like the dogs had fun Autumn!!! But yucky wet dogs in a car isn't good!! Next time takes jays lol!!

glad ur feeling ok Lizz - and don't be disheartened by any gain tomorrow!! Like you said you had fun and that's the most important thing!!

I did have my Indian last night but I'm not hungry at all today and there's nothing I fancy so I'm back doing cd for a day even though I'll be back off tomorrow!! I think I've just developed such a good mindset at the moment that I don't want anything to stand in the way!! I can't wait to be back and on it 100%!! It feels like my golden time again xx
I'll just focus on the end of July now. I'm still determined to lose the rest of the weight irrelevant of the scales tomorrow evening.

What did you have in the end? Well done on doing cd today. Freya was trying to get my to eat all day on Saturday but I stayed on it until it was fajita was part of the plan and I wasn't breaking that so I don't blame you staying on it hun!

When is it you go? And come back? You all packed now?

Current loss: 22lbs and 15.5 inches
Well I am back from a rainy a windy Hastings. Been up on one of those cranes dangling in a cage looking at a fire. Back there tomorrow to do some more. They'd put a tab on at a local cafe. But I resisted come Lunchtime and had my chocolate tetra surrounded by fish and chips!

Lizz, those photographs are gorgeous! Even when you're p***ed you look great! So glad you had a good time.

Autumn I think we are away at the same time. I love Italy but it's sooo full of pasta for me to avoid. Still I know I'll have the odd glass of red but I don't miss pasta and pizza etc so I'll go with meat and fish with veg. Italians do that sort of stuff really well too. I'm planning to do something similar to you but at the same time I am fully expecting to end up in situations I cannot control (it's a wedding weekend followed by a large group of friends in Florence for a few days) so if I put a bit on I am in the right frame of mind to accept it.

I've found that I hate that full to the brim feeling now and can't wait to get back to cd products.

Now to brave the rain and run from my van to the flat...
Well ladies I'm back and have cleaned dogs in the garden. They were caked in oily mud so had to wash each one very thorough never know anything like it. They're now in front of fire drying and I'm glugging more water.
Oh jay doesn't like getting his car dirty I should have known better really lol.
Am shattered now xx
Well donr Tigg for avoiding the food! I'm impressed!

Your holiday sounds amazing hun! I'm so jealous!!! I went to Italy when I was 11 and it's my favourite place on earth!

I'm regretting all the food I had yesterday as having a poo today made me literally cry! I won't be doing the food thing in a hurry.

I'm feeling so cold this afternoon. I can't be back in ketosis this fast surely

Current loss: 22lbs and 15.5 inches
Well the booze goes thru a different metabolic cycle. And it sounds like you might've burnt off quite a lot of enery as you went along yesterday so you never know ...