And so today's shopping includes a new handbag for holiday in white (waned a bag I can use as hand luggage and to hide my salad dressing in of an evening) from tk maxx haha. Should be £70 was £25 xx
Well I lost 3lbs this week. I'm quite pleased with that. Only 3lbs from goal now. Nice purchase Autumn! How is everyone getting on today?
Thanks amigos! I have to say step two has been quite friendly to me. I'll definitely be up to step three for my holibobs but I think it's doable! Are you feeling better Lizz?
Haha coma that's one way of describing it. Well done Tigg what a great loss considering you're on step 2 and had a million course taster meal that's impressive and will keep you focused on holiday. Yes the shopping gauntlet is going down a treat here I just say haha. Lizz the spa sounds lush. I'm all about slush puppy shakes at moment. I use 400mls with 2 click sweetners in loads of ice then my mint choc and blitz away it's lovely. Jays gone to old Trafford cricket ground today as his mate at work is from Sri Lanka who England are playing. They're drunk already sending me pics of them stuffing their faces with junk food. Hope they catch a cold from the chilli weather for doing that to me lol. Xx
Thanks amigos! I have to say step two has been quite friendly to me. I'll definitely be up to step three for my holibobs but I think it's doable! Are you feeling better Lizz?
Can I have this it's just come free in my parcel x
I'd say so. Everything in there is natural so it seems. Go for it.