Feeling really hungry today and struggling with the water just don't want it I that makes sense. Off home now to jay and the dogs who should all be tired xx
I'm here!! Not having a good day emotionally but still 100% on the diet!! How you feeling now Lizz? You must be shattered!! Autumn - poor you having to stay on!! Hopefully the distraction will keep the hunger at bay!! xx
I'm struggling a bit with water today I'm sat here just looking at a bottle like it's gonna drink itself lol??! X
I've had 2 litres now and that is including 2 shakes so stil need more. Xx
How much do you normally aim for?? xx
Well done for getting it up to 4 litres hunxx Current loss: 33lbs and 27.5inches
Just trouble with a certain family member -- I swear she's just got it out for me!! I can't do right for doing wrong!! And most of the time I just dismiss it as I know I'm better than that but I found out some more recent 'stories' that have been said about me n to be honest it hurts!! I don't care what people say about me but at least say the truth you wouldn't believe the things that get said and I only find out when it's gone right across the family! Then how do I put it right!? Just irritated by it all!! Sorry for the rant xx
That sounds complicated why would someone do that other than pure jealousy??? Do people believe this idiot? Xx
I've know idea - we used to get along fine never been that close she lives in London so quite far but an example is .... Another cousin (this is all my husbands family by the way not mine) is getting married in Croatia mid July well I can't go as my daughter is at school and it's against the law to take them out plus my daughters education is more important than a cousins wedding -- so I've spoken to the cousin who's wedding it is and explained the situation he completely understands but 'she' has told the whole family (inc my mother in law) that I'm not going because I can't face the family because of what I'm doing behind my husbands back???? What am I doing looking after his kids, managing the home and pretty much everything else on my own?? She's got two kids also and she's taking them out of school to go to this wedding so again she's said to people that I'm lying cos she can take her kids out so there's no reason why I can't except if I've got anything to hide??!! You know when things are so far fetched u don't even know where to start! xx
The government fine you £60 per parent per child apparently although I am lead to believe for a family wedding they allow it as it's at head teachers discretion. But when people get married abroad bit everyone can go anyway it's no big deal. She's prob trying to make U look bad coa she's taking her kids from school. One of the nurses in my clinic today was going on about how she was being fined for taking her son to Spain for 8 days in term time and how ridiculous it is. And I'm sat in the room down corridor listening (and texting Lizz) thinking wtf why should it be allowed so she gets a cheaper holiday. Truancy is a big issue so they have to find ways to clamp down on it and I agree with u.
Well we all know what you've been doing behind his back Tink slimming and shopping haha tell the jealous b**ch that. What we will do is this.
We will all go round and Lizz can snot her (I reckon secretly Lizz would win a fight if we for her angry enough) Tiggs can set her hair on fire then distinguish it so no actual scarring well all is be good for is removing her internal lady bits or appendix (which would loose me my job) but I could get jay to section her if that helps? Xx