day 1

Argh not having a good day, abcess in my tooth decided to make a show today, absolutely petrified of the dentist so trying to ride it out and all I want is chocolate to make me feel better, weigh day tommorow x

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Hope your feeling better jester. I agree, the dentist would be my least favourite person as well. Hope your weigh in goes well. I have just came from mine & ive lost the 4lb I wanted, feeling very positive & ready to tackle this week then im gonna refeed as my holiday is in 4 weeks & gonna stay on the maintenance plan for a while.x
Feeling a little better thanks going dr in morn for some antibiotics, 4lb well done you!!, I dont get weighed till after 2, I need the weekend off at end of june lol then will start again, do you ease into it or just eat lol x x

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No I ease in2 it, if you dont refeed right the weight just goes on again. Thats why im doing 1 more week on the total, that gives me 2 weeks refeeding right, although it says from day 4 you can have 2 small meals & 1 shake, im gonna stick too the 1 meal & then I will relax on my holiday, but im gonna try not just pig out, dont wanna be right back where I started lol. Ah hopefully the meds will kick in soon.x
Ah right, so if I want to just take the weekend off I would need to start little bits on wednesday ,thanks, had a 3lb loss today a little gutted as I wanted 4 so it would have been my 2 stone , ah well at least its a loss x x

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Just wanted to see how mammyof4 and jester4 did with their weigh in today. Both done well. I had my 1st weigh in and was amazed to see I had lost 10lbs :D. Bring on next week
Hi there janine, keep coming back for support we all on the same road! Wow 10lbs well done you!! That will carry you along from week to week now, I had a bit of a low at weigh in today but a loss is a loss and 27lb in 4 weeks is still great! I love this forum to have others who know what I am on about lol x

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Hi janine, toast is my killer as well lol. Hang in there, it honestly does get easier, once I got past day 3 the feeling rotten went.
WOW hopefully, that is a fantastic loss, well done x
Thanks again x I feel it working, agreed toast is the worst lol its such a homely smell , done myself proud today just sat with my bf and 4 kids while they ate pizza hut buffet and I had 2 glasses of water! Lol

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OMG 27lbs in 4wks that's amazing. Are you exercising with the diet?
Thank you, I have started a jar and each pound I lose I pop in a glass bead, looking at it right now feels good, not doin any extra exersise nope, just the everyday mum stuff lol, but thinking of trying to add a little exersise and see what it does, only the wii fit lol x

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Day 3 and not feeling too bad! Weighed myself this morning which I know is a little early but happy with the number on them!

The jar is a good idea, I might steal that :)
Great your not feeling too bad, day 3 was my worst for feeling bit woozy & light headed. Im on my scales far too often lol. Going to make a bbq this evening & also bought my hubby magners, gonna be tough but I hope I can cope lol. Mmmmm pizza hut, now thats strength x
If you would have said to me at the start that in 4 weeks I would be sitting in one of my fave places eating nothing I would have told you where to go lol, but I did it and was so proud, make your self a jar it works to see it visually, even maybe a penny or anythign that represents the loss, how did the bbq go mammy? Hope your feeling good enough to resist x have a good weekend peeps, soon be weigh in again lol still no dress for the wedding oops better get looking,

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You guys have some strength resisting temptation! The smell of a BBQ would be difficult to resist! My boyfriends on a takeaway and alcohol ban til further notice lol!
Lol bless him, it does get easier and you wont even want to eat, and the smell alone will be good enough, you have a goal in mind?

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