Thank you!!
Honestly, when my consultant said to try mixing curry powder into the Rice Pudding, I was like 'What Vanilla Rice Pudding?? Seriously??!' !
She confessed she hadn't tried it as she doesn't like curry (!) but one of her lady's had, and said it was like a thai type curry... This is what I did...
Cooked a chicken breast in the oven for 20-25mns - just wrapped in a tin foil parcel on 200. Weighed out 80g total of Broccoli (couple of florets), Spring onion (2) and green pepper (2 slivers). Chopped the spring onion up chunky and the green pepper fairly small (to make it go further) and then prepared the Rice Pudding and boiled the broccoli.
Once the Rice pudding was ready I got a small bowl and put a couple of spoonfuls in the bowl and mixed in a bit of Medium curry powder to see if it tasted ok!! It did! It was a bit too spicy but I knew the curry was going to be yummy now and I wasn't going to end up with a slightly random dinner of chicken, broccoli, green pepper and spring onion! ha ha
I stirred the raw green pepper into the hot rice pudding first (to soften them up) and then stirred in the curry powder a little at a time, tasting after each add to make sure I wasn't over doing it. Then added chopped up chicken (into bite sized pieces), chopped the cooked broccoli and chucked that in and lastly the Spring onion before putting it all into a bowl. The colour was sort of Thai Green Curry so not too dark. And really, honestly, absolutely amazing. Try it